He’s the wild man of rock who became a national treasure. Happy Mondays and Black Grape
frontman Shaun Ryder is hitting the road for a new, spoken word tour. The star of more-TV-
shows-than-anyone-has-a-right-to-feature-on – including Celebrity Gogglebox, and I'm A
Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here, among many others – redefined the sex’n’drugs’n’rock’n’roll
lifestyle during the halcyon age of Madchester. He’s touring in support of his new book:
Happy Mondays - and Fridays and Saturdays and Sundays. Fans can look forward to a
carnival of excess, wild tales, and improbable truths, as they enjoy the talents of a unique
rock & roll star dubbed Britpops answer to WB Yeats. Strap yourselves in and say Hallelujah
for Shaun.
Standard Tickets €33 plus Bkg Fee - General Seating
VIP Tickets Includes Goodie Bag €50 plus Bkg Fee -- Behind the Front Row
Meet & Greet Tickets Includes Goodie Bag €75 plus Bkg Fee ( Meet and Greet starts at 18:30 - Until 19:00 ) - Front Row Seats
Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.
It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.
No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.
Door and stage times, subject to change.
Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.
On street parking.