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7:30 pm19:30

Jason Byrne-Comedy

Jason Byrne “No Show”

In 1935 Erwin Schrodinger placed comedian Jason Byrne in a venue with an audience and closed the doors. Was there a show or NO SHOW. For those outside without tickets there was simultaneously a show and NO SHOW.

Don’t be outside. Get a ticket and watch the master of comic creativity and audience interaction create a show from NO SHOW.

“The Outright King of Live Comedy”

– The Times

“There is nobody else on the planet who makes me laugh like that. Your world will be a better place after seeing Jason live”.

– The Newcastle Chronicle.

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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7:30 pm19:30

Jason Byrne -SOLD OUT

Jason Byrne “No Show”

In 1935 Erwin Schrodinger placed comedian Jason Byrne in a venue with an audience and closed the doors. Was there a show or NO SHOW. For those outside without tickets there was simultaneously a show and NO SHOW.

Don’t be outside. Get a ticket and watch the master of comic creativity and audience interaction create a show from NO SHOW.

“The Outright King of Live Comedy”

 – The Times 

“There is nobody else on the planet who makes me laugh like that. Your world will be a better place after seeing Jason live”.

 – The Newcastle Chronicle.

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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8:00 pm20:00

Thin Az Lizzy

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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6:00 pm18:00

Robbie Burns Night

THE annual Robbie Burns Night is scheduled for Saturday January 25 at Dolans, commencing at 6pm. 

The Haggis will be piped in by Mike Egan, while Phila Grace will entertain the audience with the songs of Robert Burns and Gordon Lessell will present the Tam o’ Shanter.

Burns Night commemorates the birth anniversary of Robert Burns on January 25, 1759, and the traditional Burns supper celebrates his life and literary contributions. 

The origins of this event trace back to nine close friends of Burns, who gathered to mark the fifth anniversary of his passing.

Recognised as the Bard of Scotland and the national poet, Robert Burns will be honoured in Limerick for the 21st consecutive year. 

The night promises entertainment, including a raffle and spot prizes. The Haggis, sourced from Pat O’Dohertys butchers in Enniskillen, Fermanagh, has a prestigious history, having been supplied to the G8 in Enniskillen and Harrods of London. 

Robert Burns, also known as Rabbie Burns, was a Scottish poet and lyricist born on January 25, 1759 and passed away on July 21, 1796. Widely acknowledged as the national poet of Scotland, he is celebrated globally. Burns is renowned for his work in the Scots language, though he also wrote in standard English

Burns also collected folk songs from across Scotland, often revising or adapting them. 

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

On street parking.

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12:00 pm12:00

33. Finał WOŚP w Limerick z harcerzami!/The biggest Polish Charity Initiative takes over Limerick!

**33. Finał WOŚP w Limerick z harcerzami!**

 Już po raz 33. Wielka Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy (WOŚP) zagra w Limerick, a my zapraszamy wszystkich do wzięcia udziału w tej niesamowitej inicjatywie! W tym roku sztab WOŚP oraz polscy harcerze z Limerick i Shannon łączą siły! Wspólnie zagramy dla onkologii i hematologii dziecięcej! Zebrane środki zostaną przeznaczone na wsparcie leczenia dzieci walczących z nowotworami oraz chorobami krwi.

 „W tym roku łączymy siły, by nadać jeszcze większą moc tej wyjątkowej akcji. Naszym celem jest nie tylko osiągnięcie rekordowych wyników zbiórki, ale także pokazanie, jak silna i liczna jest nasza polska społeczność w Limerick. Chcemy udowodnić, ile możemy zdziałać razem i jak wspaniała jest nasza kultura. Co ważne, w tym roku zapraszamy także osoby spoza naszej społeczności – zachęcamy wszystkich, niezależnie od narodowości, do wspólnego działania.” – mówi Sylwia Włodarczyk (współorganizatorka WOŚP w Limerick)

 Już teraz zapraszamy Was 26 stycznia do Dolansa na niezapomniany dzień pełen wrażeń i świetnej zabawy! Będą pokazy, tańce, koncerty, animacje, strefa dziecięca i oczywiście wspaniałe licytacje!

 „Niezmiernie cieszy nas udział w nadchodzącej edycji WOŚP! Udział skrzatów, zuchów, harcerzy i wędrowników z Limerick i Shannon to dla nas ważne doświadczenie i zarazem piękny przykład na to, jak można wprowadzić w życie harcerskie wartości tj. solidarność, pomoc i braterstwo” – mówi Julia Styka (drużynowa i komendantka)

 Dołącz do nas! Pomóżmy dzieciom w ich trudnej walce z chorobami! Obserwuj nas na Facebooku i Instagramie (WOŚP / GOCC Limerick) i dowiedz się więcej.

 **Co to jest WOŚP?**

Wielka Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy to jedna z największych i najbardziej rozpoznawalnych organizacji charytatywnych w Polsce, która od 1993 roku zbiera fundusze na zakup nowoczesnego sprzętu medycznego i wspiera różne działania związane z poprawą zdrowia dzieci oraz seniorów. Co roku, w styczniu, odbywa się finał, który angażuje miliony ludzi na całym świecie. Limerick, z dynamiczną polską społecznością, już od lat bierze aktywny udział w tej wyjątkowej akcji.

The biggest Polish Charity Initiative takes over Limerick!

 Did you know that The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity (GOCC) is the biggest, non-governmental, non-profit, charity organization in Poland, which has been raising funds since 1993 to purchase modern medical equipment and support various initiatives aimed at improving the health of children and seniors. Every year, in January, the finale engages millions of people worldwide. Limerick, with its vibrant Polish community, has been actively participating in this exceptional campaign for years.  Since its launch over 30 years ago, GOCC has raised over 2 billion zloty, which has been used to purchase over 70,000 pieces of equipment for hospitals. The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity unites Poles from all over the world! Currently there are 23 countries participating in this wonderful initiative!  We are in most cities in Ireland and this year we are aiming to break the record in Limerick!

For the 33rd time, the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity together with the Polish Shouts Association will play in Limerick! We invite everyone to join this amazing initiative to raise funds for pediatric oncology and hematology! The funds raised will support the treatment of children battling cancer and blood diseases.

Join us on the 26th of January in Dolans for an unforgettable day full of excitement and great fun! There will be performances, dances, concerts, animations, a kid’s zone, lovely food and of course, amazing auctions!

"This edition our goal is not only to achieve record-breaking fundraising results but also to show how strong the Polish community in Limerick is. We want to prove what we can accomplish together and how wonderful our culture is. We cordially invite everyone to join us, regardless of nationality. Together we can make a difference!" says Sylwia Włodarczyk (co-organizer of GOCC in Limerick).

"We are extremely excited to take part in the upcoming 33rd edition of GOCC! The involvement of our scouts from Limerick and Shannon is important for the kids and it’s a beautiful example of how we can bring scouting values to life," says Julia Styka (troop leader).

Join us! Let’s help children in their difficult fight against illness! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram (WOŚP / GOCC Limerick) to learn more.

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to 29 Jan



 We are delighted to announce that UK groove phenomenon @fasterhorses_ joins us as part of his official Irish tour for the very first time 🇮🇪 We are buzzing to work alongside @reboot_events to host one of his 4 MASSIVE tour dates in Dolans Limerick on January 28th alongside Reboot DJs and more TBA 👀

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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8:00 pm20:00

Jerry Fish

Jerry Fish, indie legend, showman extraordinaire and ringmaster of exceptional renown is back,
with his first LP in 15 years.

The new album entitled ‘Dreaming of Daniel’ feat. MayKay (Fight Like Apes) is a labour of love for
Jerry. Featuring songs by the late, great Daniel Johnston. Scheduled for release in November

Jerry explains: "I felt compelled to record and release an album of Daniel's work, not alone is his
lyrical wit and honesty an inspiration to me and a multitude of artists the world over, we have so
much fun performing his songs live. The album ‘Dreaming of Daniel’ captures the joy we
experience on stage performing Daniel’s songs, it’s infectious.”
Jerry Fish is one of Ireland’s most enigmatic and entertaining performers with his now
legendary live shows, a unique live theatrical experience that dissolves all boundaries between
performer and audience.

Jerry Fish blasted onto the Music Scene in the 1990's touring the globe as front-man of
alternative rock outfit An Emotional Fish, the band who gave us the indie rock anthem
“Celebrate”. These days the name Jerry Fish is synonymous with Festivals, Carnival Sideshow,
Circus and Theatre. Jerry has curated and run his own Circus tent and area; The Jerry Fish
Electric Sideshow in Fish Town at Ireland’s biggest music and arts festival Electric Picnic for the
last 12 years.

“Our live performances are a mix of music, theatre and the spirit of the carnival," says Jerry”
Wherever I go, the circus is never far behind." A true carnival creator,
“I am from a long line of clowns and the first to realise it” Jerry’s a natural all-around entertainer;
musician, storyteller, dramatist, poet and comic.
This winter, join Jerry Fish as he embarks on the Dreaming of Daniel album tour. Performing
songs from the new album, alongside a selection of his greatest hits, in a celebration of his
unique artistry and the life of one of Ireland’s greatest showmen.

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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8:00 pm20:00

SLOMOSA proudly presented Bad Reputation

Expansive mountains constitute nearly two-thirds of Norway. This breathtaking grandeur gives the country a sense of natural splendor and mystique as if its topography has held secrets for millennia.

Hailing from the city of Bergen, Norway, Slomosa channel the sprawl of their surroundings through a sweeping signature hybrid of revved-up stoner rock riffage, grungy hooks, and a concentrated punk wallop. As if holding up a sonic mirror image to the landscape, an avalanche of distortion tumbles into valleys of massive melody, teeming with tectonic force. Now, the group—Ben Berdous [vocals, guitar], Marie Moe [vocals, bass], Tor Erik Bye [guitar], and Jard Hole [drums]—perfect this inimitable sound on their aptly titled second full-length offering and MNRK Heavy debut LP, Tundra Rock.

‘Tundra Rock’ is ‘Desert Rock’ in our terms,” Ben observes. “A desert doesn’t have to be warm. If you think about it, the biggest desert in the world is Antarctica. In this respect, the tundra is our desert.  We thought it would be cool to coin a genre, and it’s stuck to us. You could certainly say the grandiosity of nature is evident in the songs.”

Nearly ten years ago, Ben planted the seeds for Slomosa as a “casual excuse to drink beer, smoke, and play rock music with friends.Without pressure or expectations, songs naturally took shape under the influence of everyone from Kyuss, Queens of the Stone Age, and Sleep to Nirvana, Alice In Chains, and Soundgarden. The band’s 2020 eponymous debut, SLOMOSA, has piled up over 10 million streams fueled by “Kevin,” “In My Mind’s Desert,” “There Is Nothing New Under The Sun,” and “Horses.” Inciting critical applause, Invisible Oranges raved, “Slomosa are no strangers to evoking the best of early stoner rock without resorting to lazy imitation -- see their self-titled debut for evidence of that.Meanwhile, they played to packed crowds all over Europe and the UK, scorched the stages of Alcatraz Open Air and Hellfest, and received invites to tour with the likes of Alkaline Trio.  

2024 saw them hit the studio with producer Erik Marinius to record Tundra Rock. In essence, Slomosa picked up where they left off, while leaping forward at the same time.

“I wanted it to be a natural continuation of what we did on the first record,” Ben reveals. “In many ways, my life had changed. Suddenly, I went from a regular work life to being a touring musician. My hobby became my job. We didn’t ‘plan’ for the first album to become anything. I’d gone through a lot since then. Tundra Rock is darker and a little more melodic. It represents the emotional side of the band.”

The quartet initially bulldozed the way for this chapter with “Cabin Fever” and “Rice.” Meanwhile, the single “Battling Guns” illustrates their evolution. Purring distortion and Ben’s airy vocals drive the track towards a question, “What would you do?”

“I initially wrote it about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict when I was younger,” he states. “My roots are from Algeria. However, I grew up in a partially Palestinian home, and my siblings are half-Palestinian. I was aware of the conflict, and I was quite political as a kid. It’s about the general occupation and soldiering that has happened over the years. You can view it as throwing rocks versus battling guns. The lyrics can speak to conflicts around the world though. In the simplest sense, it’s an anti-war, anti-fascist track.”

“MJ” tempers a hulking groove with a spacey lead, showcasing another side of the band’s sound. “We definitely embraced grunge more this time, he notes. “You can hear it on ‘MJ’.” Then, there’s “Monoman.” Between the loose bass line and barnstorming riff, Ben’s lyrics confront  “frustration with life. The trip through SLOMOSA’s tundra concludes with the tribal bounce of “Dune.”

“The vision was for it to move like techno does,” Ben goes on. “It’s one of my favorite songs, because it is so different.”

In the end, Slomosa welcome everyone into their world on Tundra Rock.

“If you listen to this, I just hope you feel something,” he leaves off. “This is my life project. It means a lot to me. It’s given me a chance I never thought I’d have. I’m fortunate to be here. I want you to take away that Tundra Rock is here to stay.”

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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8:00 pm20:00

Abbaesque - SOLD OUT

Having the time of their lives!

ABBAESQUE are undoubtedly Ireland’s number one tribute show to ABBA ever! Their success over the past 28 years has been phenomenal making them without question Ireland’s most successful tribute show performing in excess of 150 sell out concerts each year.

Previously Headlining Dublin’s 11000 capacity three area on New Year’s Eve in 1998 and playing Saturday night residencies in the capitals prestigious Olympia theatre demonstrates the level of success enjoyed by this spectacular show. ABBAESQUE have also performed at all of Ireland’s major festivals including the internationally renowned Rose of Tralee festival playing to ecstatic crowds of more than 10000 people per night.

In May 2014 ABBAESQUE were honored to be asked to appear on national television by RTE’s The Late Late Show to pay homage to Abba who were celebrating their 40th anniversary of winning the Eurovision song contest. Most recently being asked to join with the RTE Concert Orchestra to perform the music of ABBA in the National concert hall has been ABBAESQUE most treasured engagement to date!

It’s the combination of energy and excitement together with a great night of up tempo entertainment that make ABBAESQUE the definitive ABBA tribute show to choose for your next event………

…………….Often copied but never equaled!……….

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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8:00 pm20:00

The Doors Alive

"To call The Doors Alive merely a tribute act would be a huge disservice to what is
the closest thing possible to experiencing a Doors concert without the aid of a flux
capacitor and 1.21 gigawatts. They are high priests who allow us to worship at the
altar of The Doors by continuing the word and gospels of Jim Morrison, Ray
Manzarek, Robbie Krieger and John Densmore." - Pure Magazine, Ireland.

The band recreate the sound, look, presence and magic of a real 1960's Doors concert,
perfectly and effortlessly transporting the audience back in time with classic hits such as
"Light My Fire", "When The Music's Over", "Riders On The Storm", "The End" and many
more. The Doors Alive have over 1,000 shows under their belt to date.
The Doors Alive formed in 2005. Since then there have been a few changes, but the
current line up is the best it has ever been!

Frontman Mike Griffioen captures the look, attitude and rich baritone voice of the late great
Jim Morrison with ease while his compadres Barrington Meyer on guitar, Buzz Allan on
drums and Norbert Varga on keyboards showcase the musical chops of original Doors
members Robby Krieger, John Densmore and Ray Manzarek with finesse and authenticity.
They take pride in using the exact same vintage equipment to achieve an authentic sound,
including Rhodes Piano Bass, Gibson G101 organ, Gibson SG and Ludwig Mod Orange
drum kit. They are keen on making every single show unique by authentic improvisations
and changing the set regularly so you will never see the same show twice!

The Doors Alive have left awestruck audiences in several countries around the world,
including the UK, Ireland, Australia, Denmark, France, Belgium, The Netherlands,
Germany, Austria, Poland, Slovenia, Malta, Greece, Turkey, Lebanon, UAE and Chile to
name but a few. They repeatedly sell out some of the most well established venues in
Europe. They have played at the legendary Isle of Wight Festival and played on the same
bill with such legendary musicians as Status Quo, Canned Heat, Nazareth, Uriah Heep,
Manfred Mann's Earth Band, Eric Burdon and Kris Kristofferson. In Chile the band played
an arena show to 4,500 Doors fans! In several countries including France and Lebanon
the band have been featured on national television.

Please check out the band's website www.thedoorsalive.co.uk for the latest news!

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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8:00 pm20:00

Winterfylleth presented by Bad Reputation

UK black metal outfit Winterfylleth will hit Ireland for shows early 2025 in support of their recently released 'The Imperious Horizon' album.

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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10:00 pm22:00


windings are one of the most captivating and innovative Irish bands of the last decade, and one of the most impactful to come out of Limerick in a generation. Joining the All We Have Are Days lineup for their first hometown headline show in 3 years, the original band of Stephen Ryan, Liam Marley, Patrick O’Brien, and Brian Meaney play a late show at Dolans Upstairs on Saturday Feb 1st.

A one-time one-man endeavour since Giveamanakick’s Steve Ryan released the eponymous 'Windings' album in 2005, the 4-piece rock/alt/pop/indie/folk band expanded to a quartet by their ‘It's Never Night' album in 2010. Since the release of their Choice nominated third album 'I Am Not The Crow' in 2012, the band released a split record with Dublin indie outfit Land Lovers in 2014 and collaborated with fellow Limerick act Rusangano Family and Naive Ted. Their next release 'Be Honest and Fear Not' received widespread critical acclaim. During lockdown, windings members kept themselves busy with solo projects (King Pallas), recording and mixing other bands (Powpig, Anna's Anchor, Japanese Jesus) and collaborations and album guest spots with the likes of Denise Chaila and MuRli. In 2021 the band released their most recent and lauded album "Focus on the Past 5".

windings play their first headline Limerick show since 2022 at All We Have Are Days on Saturday, February 1st at Dolans Upstairs. The show is one of many across the wider weekend of performances and conversations with artists including Ruth Negga, dream hampton, Lisa Hannigan, Quantic, Bell X1’s Paul Noonan, Gemma Hayes, Anna B. Savage, Denise Chaila, Niamh Regan, Donal Dineen, Brian B+ Cross and more to be announced.

All We Have Are Days welcomes Irish and international artists for unique shows in venues across Limerick City during the February bank holiday. A winter weekend, with music at its heart, All We Have Are Days is in partnership with Guinness, Limerick City & County Council, and Limerick Chamber of Commerce.

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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7:30 pm19:30

How To Gael: Ar an mBothar

How to Gael 

How to Gael is the Ireland’s number one bilingual podcast. Hosted by broadcasters Doireann Ní Ghlacáin, Louise Cantillon and Síomha Ní Ruairc, the show shot to national and international prominence when first launched in 2023, quickly amassing a cult following at home and abroad. A new generation of Irish speakers, Doireann, Louise and Síomha are living, working, socialising and reviving an Ghaeilge in a way that is súimiúil, spraoiúil agus just good craic. You may not learn the modh coinníollach, but from discussing their favourite lines in Irish literature to rationalising the necessity of weekly blow dries (aka ESSENTIAL), these mná represent the new generation of Gaels.

In 2024 How To Gael launched its second season with CWB management and went full video. They are heading on national tour in partnership with MCD following sold out crowds in Dublin and Electric Picnic in early 2024.

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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8:00 pm20:00


megaTRAD are a high energy, improvisation based trio with a sound best described as an exalted manifestation of Irish Trad, melding their cultural musical heritage with diverse individual musical experiences, bolstered by the contemporary nuances of stomp, bass, and pedal FX boards. The outcome is an innovative and exhilarating auditory journey, affectionately termed "Tradscendental" by their enthusiastic fanbase. Their improvisational approach to the megaTRAD show promises audiences a once-in-a-lifetime experience at every performance and gives megaTRAD the freedom to sculpt their performance around what energy the audience is looking for. In 2020, megaTRAD captured the spotlight by winning the Best Performance at Temple Bar Trad Fest’s "Live at the Hub," earning a coveted slot at Milwaukee Irish Fest. They've graced the stages of Electric Picnic, All Together Now, The All Ireland Fleadh, Bloom Festival, and Shannonside Folk Festival among many others.


"Incredibly innovative and energetic" - Templebar Tradfest

"Truly a force of tribal nature" - Cuppa Tea TV

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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10:00 pm22:00

Seoda Shows with All We Have Are Days proudly present Search Results & Shark School


Search Results are a three-piece alternative rock band based in Dublin. Fionn, Jack and Adam
formed Search Results after moving to Dublin in 2019. They bonded over their love for punk,
garage rock and folk, emulating the energy of bands such as Parquet Courts and The Velvet Underground.

‘Information Blip', the band’s debut album, was released to streaming and vinyl in September ‘23 in partnership with ‘Blowtorch Records'.

Infatuating live energy on stage has delivered sold out local headline shows and support slots with Sweeping Promises (US), Haru Nemuri (JPN), Jeffrey Lewis (US) and Pissed Jeans (US). In January of this year, they played their first UK dates supporting Lawn Chair (DE) in the Windmill, Brixton, and returned in March for their first London headline show in the Shacklewell Arms.
Recently included in 'Protomartyr's Joe Casey tells us about his Top 11 Albums of 2023' on Brooklyn Vegan. Joe says 'Search Results demand your attention. What I hear is a great band untethered to specific genre chains, which in this time of mood playlists and the like, is a wonderful thing.' ‘Each member tilts on their own axis, yet share in a singular language that embodies the indie rock ideal at its very best’- Stevie Lennox, The Thin Air.



Shark School are a female-fronted abstract garage band based in Galway City. Beginning in June of 2023, they have quickly made a name for themselves playing with bands such as NewDad, The Love Buzz, Elaine Malone and many more, most recently playing Whelan's Ones to Watch (even though they are Sharks to watch). They are known for their energetic sets, sarcastic wit and party vibes. Most recently they are known for making an elderly man levitate at their set for 'Whelans One to Watch…'

 Search Results and Shark School play All We Have Are Days on Sunday February 2nd at Dolans KASBAH. The show is one of many across the wider weekend of performances and conversations with artists including Ruth Negga, dream hampton, Lisa Hannigan, Quantic, Bell X1’s Paul Noonan, Gemma Hayes, Anna B. Savage, Denise Chaila, Niamh Regan, Donal Dineen, Brian B+ Cross and more to be announced.

All We Have Are Days welcomes Irish and international artists for unique shows in venues across Limerick City during the February bank holiday. A winter weekend, with music at its heart, All We Have Are Days is in partnership with Guinness, Limerick City & County Council, and Limerick Chamber of Commerce.

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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7:30 pm19:30

Killian Sundermann: This Boy is Cracking Up (Comedy)

Killian Sundermann.

This Boy Is Cracking Up

Killian Sundermann always wanted to be a rock star, but barring a few heartfelt renditions of Bohemian Rhapsody whilst in the shower, things aren’t going to plan.

Join one of Ireland's most exciting new comedians) for a night of stand up, sketch and song as he brings his sold-out Dublin Fringe show,

⭐⭐⭐⭐ - The Irish Times

around the country on his first national tour.

As seen on RTÉ, Virgin Media, The Young Hot Guys Podcast, and by his over half a million followers online

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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8:00 pm20:00

Track Dogs

“Sun-shiny songs thriving on dark themes behind irresistible rhythms.”

Track Dogs are two Irishmen, an Englishman and an American, (Garrett Wall, Dave Mooney, Howard Brown & Robbie K.Jones), whose artistic name derives from the dark subterranean world of New York’s subway system. If they are still new to you, check out recent releases Where to Now? (2022) and Blind Summits & Hidden Dips (2023) to see why they are so hard to pigeonhole.

Formed in the Autumn of 2006 in Madrid around the eclectic line-up of acoustic guitar, electric bass, trumpet and cajón, over the following 18
years they have added banjo, ukulele and mandolin as well as honing their four part vocal harmonies, now very much an integral part of their

Well-established in Spain where they are based, they are surprising music lovers everywhere. After a fortuitous invitation to the Costa Festival in Ibiza in 2018 they teamed up with Firebrand Music in the UK and have been building their reputation as a live band with performances at Shrewsbury Folk Festival, Wickham Music Festival, Beardy Folk, New Forest Festival, Glastonbury, Broadstairs Folk Week and The Gate to Southwell, to name but a few.

2025 will see the band release their 11th album, The Essential Track Dogs; Tracks Laid, Tracks Covered, a double CD of close to 40 tracks featuring the best of their originals and cover tracks from 2011 to 2021plus some brand new songs and reimagined versions of already existing tracks.

As folks familiar with the band will know, Track Dogs have always dabbled in different styles, from Americana Music, bluegrass, to latino, folk, and even blues. Track Dogs demonstrate that they really play their own genre. What sort of music do Track Dogs play? The answer is Track Dogs Music.

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

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No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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8:00 pm20:00

Party Cannon presented by Bad Reputation

Scotland’s favourite Brutal Party Slam band PARTY CANNON are BACK with their HEAVIEST, SLAMMINGEST, and DUMBEST album yet; an overwhelming helping of the henchest and most nauseating Party Slam. The band have doubled down on their signature Party Slam style to bring you an experience so IQ-lowering, so soul-crushing, so life expectancy-reducing that we recommend you wear a helmet while listening for your own safety. 'Injuries Are Inevitable' takes us on a deep dive of the infamous Action Park; the world’s un-safest theme park. Through the medium of guttural vocals, rapid blast beats, and anabolic slam riffs you will be taken on an immersive 4D experience of the debauchery, partying, and downright irresponsibility this iconic park had to offer.

No admission for cowards, big dumb party riffs only.

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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8:00 pm20:00

Fionn Regan

Fionn Regan announces extensive UK and Ireland tour for February and March 2025 || New album "O Avalanche" released 1st November via Nettwerk Music Group

 With next month’s tour having long-since sold out, and his new album O Avalanche out 1st November via Nettwerk Music Group, Fionn Regan today announces news of an epic UK and Ireland tour for February and March 2025 including a performance at EartH in London. . Tickets go on-sale this Friday, 18th October, at 10am.

Fionn Regan has shared the singles “Islands”, “Headphones”, “Blood is Thicker Than Wine” and “Farewell” from O Avalanche.

 “I float sometimes when you’re around,” sings Regan on “Islands”, setting the weightlessly romantic tenor for his seventh album. Written in Mallorca, O Avalanche is an album of levitating intimacies, abstract and intuitive yet infused with a tangible sense of the elevating ties between environment and emotion. Between its sun-dappled backdrops and lambent arrangements, the result is a set of sublime songs and something more: it’s a record to float with, immersive, uplifting and transporting.

 His first since 2019’s beautiful Cala, it’s also an album that is, in Regan’s words, “very much on a level” – shimmering with poetic mystery and bolstered by a sustained feel for atmosphere and shape. As Regan explains, “I see it sort of like a film that starts cinematically and develops in abstract ways. It moves in different sequences, backwards and forwards. And if you’re thinking about it in a visual way, there’s a quality about it where it’s always magic hour.”

 Rippling like the sea, “Islands” sets that magic-hour mood, using images of the sun and moonlit dances on Spanish sand to set a dreamy scene. That flow leads to Valencia for the luminous “Teix Mountain”, which evokes the off-piste mountain spirit of its title and the album as a whole. Its rarefied sense of romanticism also extends to the title track, where Regan’s long-standing friendAnna Friel provides beautifully delivered vocals for an almost hallucinatory hymn to companionship. Braided with haunting references to storms and “summer ghosts”, it’s a song lit with inner faith, breaking out in the declaration, “I believe there’s a light that brings good souls together.”

 From here, O Avalanche moves from a sense of loved-up drift to a state of serene, unforced resolve. “Written in a dream,” says Regan, “Farewell” is a tenderly up-tempo take on partings, sorrowed yet beautifully becalmed in its looping arrangement. “Into the Light of the Sun” has a feeling of resolution about it, unfurling “like a burst of energy,” says Regan, while album closer “Deià Song/Llucalcari” resembles a soft, supple awakening from a dream of summer, eyes wide open in readiness for new horizons.

 “I feel like the album has got quite a lot of bottled-summer energy running through it,” says Regan. It took him two or three albums’ worth of material to find the songs that felt simpatico – the ones that “started to hang out together and fought their way to becoming the album”. Capturing the mood, Regan wrote the record while staying in Mallorca, a place he describes as his “true north”: “There’s a sense of an artistic energy there, where you step back a little from the main drag of bigger cities. You’re sat there in the mountains looking towards the cities, rather than the other way. There’s a kind of focus, a feeling that you’re tuned in to something.”

 Regan has fine-tuned a sensibility of his own since the acoustic poetry of his debut album, 2006’s Mercury-shortlisted The End of History. Since then, he has travelled between band-based detours and the gleaming likes of 2011’s 100 Acres of Sycamore, whose worry-worn beauty “Dogwood Blossom” drew new audiences when it found kindred spirits in two TV shows, romantic lockdown hit Normal People and Shane Meadows’s This Is England 86. Oscar-winning actor Cillian Murphy featured in the video for 2017’s “The Meeting Of The Waters” while elsewhere Regan has been nominated for Choice, Meteor Ireland and Shortlist awards, sampled by Bon Iver, photographed by Annie Leibovitz for Vanity Fair and made an honorary member of the Trinity College Literary Society. “I feel really lucky in the sense that the music I make has its own climate or landscape,” says Regan.

 Co-produced with Ian Grimble, O Avalanche steers Regan’s off-the-main-drag feel for climate and landscape towards another creative peak, forging a record to lose yourself in. “It’s like you’re looking into this world where there’s a depth of field, it’s summer, and you’re floating into and out of it,” he says of the album. “The songs can come together in the moment, so it’s not a conscious thing, but when I listen to the record it feels like there’s an eternal optimism about it – a kind of upward-feeling energy.” With the gentlest of touches, O Avalanche will sweep you off your feet.

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5:00 pm17:00

Hard Knox: WARZONE

Limericks own Hard Knox Pro Wrestling returns to Dolans Warehouse
With their annual event - WARZONE!
Join us as STEVE SAVAGE defends his Hard Knox Championship in the Main Event against Long time friend and sometimes foe, JUSTY!
The last time these two battled in Dolans, they actually tore the house down
Around themselves, and we expect this war to be even more violent, more brutal and more bloody than ever!
We can’t wait to welcome you back to the WARZONE!

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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8:00 pm20:00

the olllam

With a name aptly deriving from the old Irish for a grand master of a skill, the olllam is a Transatlantic collective of formidable talent, marrying stunning instrumental virtuosity, Irish tradition, and Detroit’s post-rock psych-sensibility. Their genre-defying compositions are lush with cyclical trance-like melodies, co-written by Belfast uilleann piper/whistle player John McSherry, his US protégé Tyler Duncan, and master-drummer Michael Shimmin, whose intricate, often complex, rhythms are then underpinned in recording by the phenomenal bass-playing genius of Joe Dart (Vulfpeck, Fearless Flyers.) Their 2012 eponymous debut album is now considered something of a cult classic, winning the 2012 Indie Acoustic Music Award for Best Instrumental Album.

Over the years the olllam has toured as a live collective augmented by additional master musicians and collaborators, including Dart’s Vulfpeck bandmates Theo Katzman and Woody Goss.  Since the recording and release of 2022’s long-awaited follow-up album elllegy, which saw the olllam named as RTE Radio Best Group at that year’s Folk Awards, the band has featured Limerick’s Seán O'Meara on guitar and Detroit producer Joe Hettinga on keys. In 2024 Scottish whistle-player and piper Ross Ainslie joined the olllam, as Tyler decided to focus on his career as a producer. A hugely successful tour of UK and Ireland followed, including sell out shows at Glasgow Barrowlands and London Jazz Cafe, and a collaboration with Zedd on his August 2024 album, Telos.

“… the result is described by them as Neo-Acoustic Celtic Post-Rock. I’d describe it a little differently – it’s f***in’ deadly!” - The Irish Times

"If Lúnasa set the gold standard for traditional acoustic music, these guys are bucking for platinum. The word ollam is old Irish for a master musician, and there are three master musicians here." - Irish Music Magazine

"People are heralding it as a new genre of music" - Liverpool Echo

“...there just seems to be so much soul in playing, that every track finds a way to spike the emotions and tingle the spine.” - Folk Radio UK

"It's a groovy, mystic rock sound that is your go-to Celtic music for people who think they don't like Celtic music." - The Irish Examiner

". . . an exquisite combination of virtuosic acoustic music with electric instruments. 'the olllam' is an extraordinary Irish fusion album by three masters happily at work."

- World Music Central

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

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No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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7:30 pm19:30

Fred Cooke-Comedy


With his unique gift for musical comedy and joke- infused storytelling, Fred Cooke has returned with his new show “Clown to Earth”. Expect comical chaos from a dad who’s  just delighted to be out of the house and not at home covered in yoghurt. Sit back and enjoy this award winning comedian talk marriage, kids, and playing dead on Netflix.

As seen on Netflix, RTE’s Tommy Tiernan show, and Dancing with the Stars. 

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

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No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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8:00 pm20:00

Pauric O'Meara

Indie artist Pauric O' Meara has just announced that he is set to bring his highly anticipated upcoming EP 'Reflections Of What We Could Be' on tour, with this set of Irish dates his first dates to announce with UK and European dates set to follow. 

''Pauric O'Meara will have you shuffling in your seat, eager to get up and move with his anthemic sensibilities and irresistible indie charm.'' - Earmilk

 'Every lyric and every note is purposeful and honest, feeling like various truths that Pauric himself has entrusted to us. An immersive experience to say the least, O’Meara’s spirit and dance moves are contagious, making an otherwise small venue feel like a sold-out arena.' - Hot Press Magazine

 ' instantly had the crowd on their feet...rich rhythms, earworm melodies....crowd to become feverous with dance tendencies....charming persona is utterly infectious and his passionate performance left much to be admired!'' Indie Buddie Live review.                       

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

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No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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8:00 pm20:00

Paddy Keenan Dermot Byrne and Tim Eady

Paddy Keenan Dermot Byrne and Time Eady Live in Dolans February 13th. Strictly over 18’s

Paddy Keenan is an Irish player of the uilleann pipes who first gained fame as a founding member of The Bothy Band. Paddy’s virtuosity on the pipes, combined with the ferocity of his playing made him, in the opinion of many, its driving force withThe Bothy Band forever changing the face of Irish traditional music, merging a propulsive rhythm section with traditional Irish tunes in ways that had never been heard before.
Since the Bothy Bands dissolution in the late 1970s, Keenan has released a number of solo and collaborative recordings, and continues to tour both as a soloist, and with a range of other artists. Paddy’s contributions to traditional Irish music were honoured in 2002, when he received the TG4 Gradam Ceoil Musician of the Year award, which is presented to musical heroes of the modern age, and in 2011 by the Irish Music Association, with a Lifetime Achievement Award. A long time performer at DeBarra’s, Paddy also spent many years living in Clonakilty actively contributing to the rich and diverse culture of music now synonymous with West Cork.
“the Jimi Hendrix of the pipes” – Donal Lunny

Dermot Byrne is one of Ireland’s most outstanding traditional accordion players.  For many years a member of Altan, Dermot performed, recorded and toured extensively with the group along with artists like Donal Lunny, Steve Cooney and Stephane Grapelli, bringing the beauty and joy of traditional Irish music to audiences all over the world.  In other collaborations he has performed previously with KGB, Frankie Gavin, Sharon Shannon, and The Stunning along with many other outstanding Irish and international musicians.  For his contribution to Irish music Dermot was chosen as TG4’s Traditional Musician of the Year 2013.

Tim Edey a double BBC Musician of the year BBC ALBA/Scotland Best Traditional musician 2020, BBC Radio Two  Musician of the year 2012 (BBC R2 FOLK AWARDS) Tim has toured the world and recorded with most of the major names in Celtic/Contemporary roots music including; The Chieftains, Christy Moore, Sharon Shannon, Ross Ainslie, Natalie MacMaster, Donnell Leahy, Altan, Capercaillie, Brendan Power, Michael McGoldrick, Seamus Begley, Dougie Maclean, Kevin Burke, Liam O’Maonlai, The Barra MacNeills, JP Cormier, Shaun Davey, Session A9, Lunasa, Vinnie Kilduff , Mary Black, Session A9, Julie Fowlis, Frankie Gavin to name but a few…
“A ferocious passion and a beautiful tenderness, sensitivity, respect, understanding & love perpetually shines out through the music of virtuoso musician Tim Edey.” SHARON SHANNON
“Stunning!” Aled Jones
“Tim Edey plays a host of different instruments to a standard us mere mortals can only dream of. Listen and weep”- Jim Byrne, The Living

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Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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8:00 pm20:00

Rebel Rebel- David Bowie Tribute

Rebel Rebel- David Bowie Tribute Live in Dolans Limerick February 14th 2015 (Strictly over 18’s)

"Rebel Rebel" are a 6 piece (nine piece for larger gigs) tribute to David Bowie, faithfully recreating the most  popular songs from Bowie’s extensive back catalogue. 

 The band themselves are fans and have a deep respect for the man and his music. The set for this show is built on Bowie's most loved and enduring songs and the band have worked hard at re- creating the sound and look of a David Bowie concert. 

Lead singer Peter Quinn has always had his voice compared to Bowie’s. “I released an album of original material and it was instantly compared to Bowie. It was something I had been told from the time I recorded my first demo tape, so when I was looking for a new project a Bowie tribute was the obvious direction.”  

"Sounds uncannily like David Bowie in good form."  Tony Clayton Lea, the Irish Times.

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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8:00 pm20:00

The Nights of Nashville

Welcome to The Nashville Nights Tour, where the heart and soul of country music come alive on stage. Led by the genuine and critically acclaimed Nashville recording artists, Kaitlyn Baker and Joe Lasher, along with their talented full band, this tour promises an unforgettable journey through the biggest chart-topping hits of country music's brightest stars.

From the raw emotion of Luke Combs to the fierce energy of Miranda Lambert, the timeless classics of Tim McGraw and Faith Hill, and beyond, The Nashville Nights Tour delivers the authentic country experience directly from the heart of Nashville, Tennessee.

Get ready to be transported to the heart of Music City as Kaitlyn Baker, Joe Lasher, and their band take you on a musical ride through the rich tapestry of country music history. Whether you're a die-hard country fan or just looking for a night of toe-tapping tunes and heartfelt lyrics, The Nashville Nights Tour promises an evening of entertainment that will leave you singing along and longing for more. Join us for a night of unforgettable music and memories under the Nashville stars. 

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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8:00 pm20:00

Ryley Walker

Ryley Walker began his career in the early 2010s, after moving from Illinois’ provincial town of Rockford, and settling into Chicago’s independent scene. After a slew of cassette and vinyl releases, Tompkins Square put out his debut album in 2014, which was then followed up by the Dead Oceans released Primrose Green a year later. His most recent album, Course in Fable, was released on his own Husky Pants Recordings label in 2021.

Having toured with the likes of Richard Thompson, and with a supporting slot for Dinosaur Jr. forthcoming—as well as a tremendous Bert Jansch tribute show behind him, wherein his hero Anne Briggs called him the ‘c word’—Walker has rubbed shoulders with the very best.

 While, in the past, his desire to be as great as his influences may have dogged and hindered him from bringing his own personality to his music, now, Walker’s music is undeniably his. A mix of Twitter and sobriety may be partially responsible. “Music is an exciting thing I get to do because I’m alive and well. I take every opportunity I’m given very seriously; I’ve gotta pay tribute to that by staying alive and being as good to the people who love me as I can,” he said.

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

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No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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7:30 pm19:30

Shane Todd (Comedy)

Shane Todd is on the road with his biggest ever tour.

The host of Tea With Me podcast is fresh off the back of a world tour and a record breaking run of 16 shows at Belfast’s Grand Opera House. Northern Ireland’s (self titled) prince of comedy is returning with a brand new laughter packed show.

‘Full House’ is Shane’s eleventh solo show and promises to be his best yet.

Shane has toured with Tim Dillon, Bill Burr, John Mulaney and comedy megastar Kevin Hart but doesn’t want to go on about it (22 shows).

“storytelling mastery” – British Comedy Guide

“dope” – Kevin Hart

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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8:00 pm20:00


Child of Prague electrifies the Dublin music scene with their thrilling blend of Irish tradition and Midwest Emo. The sound of @childofpragueband seamlessly blends rock instrumentation with the soulful addition of violin and saxophone, weaving in rich folk and jazz elements to their music.

With members hailing from across Ireland, the UK and the U.S, they have recently burst onto the Dublin music scene in 2024.

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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7:30 pm19:30

Shane Daniel Byrne (Comedy)

This Irish fella is back after BURSTING onto the Irish scene in 2024. Shane Daniel Byrne is on fire; fresh from sellout touring in Ireland, UK and Australia.

“Shane Daniel Byrne is very, very funny.”- Broadway World. This comic is on fire, fresh from sellout touring in Ireland, UK and Australia.

Pop in and join him for his spicey new show about Jeans, Jackets and Jesus Christ. Expect honey-sweet and coffee-bitter from this Award Winning Comedian.

“My favourite new Irish comedian for many years.”

David O’ Doherty

“Shane Daniel Byrne is my favourite”

Irish Examiner


Broadway World


“Superb as always”

GCN Magazine

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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8:00 pm20:00

Dave Hause


Since releasing his debut album, Resolutions, in 2011, the Philadelphia-born songwriter has poured his whole heart, soul and life into his music. That’s no different on Drive It Like It’s Stolen, his sixth full-length. Its 10 songs overflow with Hause’s trademark urgency and passion, shimmering with a truth that reflects the harsh realities of life in this day and age, as well the intermittent jolts of joy that punctuate it. After all, his songs have always detailed his own personal traumas and triumphs within the setting of an unforgiving capitalist backdrop, tethering those personal experiences to ineluctable external forces. 2013’s second album, Devour, for example, was a response to his divorce from his first wife, while 2019’s Kick saw him tackle hope, depression, global warming and a crumbling American democracy with the news that he was to become a father. Most recently, on 2021’s Blood Harmony, Hause wrote and sang about the positive impact of having twins, and of the joy and excitement of being able to be at home with them for the first couple of years of the pandemic.

Drive It Like It’s Stolen is just as earnest and heartfelt, raw and real as anything he’s ever written before. Yet there’s also a subtle yet significant difference—here he’s delving into a more fictional type of storytelling to create what he terms "post-apocalyptic Americana.” That’s clear from the title of this album’s haunting and ominous opening song, “Cheap Seats (New Year’s Day, NYC, 2042)”. Set two decades in the future, it’s obviously not about anything that’s actually happened, but is still very much inspired by life. At the start of 2022, Hause was in a good place. He’d changed his diet and had maintained a strenuous workout regimen resulting in improved physical and mental health. Feeling great, he’d decided to go off Lexapro and left to go out on the Blood Harmony band touring.

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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8:00 pm20:00

Showdown - The ELO Experience

Showdown - ELO tribute band Live in Dolans Limerick February 21st 2025 ( STRICTLY OVER 18’S)


The much anticipated arrival in Limerick is finally upon us! The Show features all the classic hits such as ‘Evil Woman’, ‘Showdown’, ‘Livin’ Thing’ & ‘Mr. Blue Sky’, performed fully live by the band inclusive of 6-part vocal harmonies and a string section to add that authentic classical sound!

With stunning visuals and videos that will blow you away! The band features some of Dublin’s incredibly talented musicians, including Shane O’Reilly (Bipolar Empire), guitar hero Joe Mullins, and the Butler family, known widely across Ireland and the UK for their creation and production of the touring show “The Live Last Waltz”, which features in Dublin’s Olympia Theatre bi-annually.

This 7-piece live band are dedicated to performing the music of Jeff Lynne, known as the creator of ELO and producer to many world famous acts such as George Harrison, Bob Dylan, Tom Petty & Roy Orbison to name a few. This outstanding list of musical colleagues also lead to the formation of “The Travelling Wilburys”, in which Jeff Lynne also featured as a member. “Showdown” The E.L.O. Experience has been a resounding success in venues throughout Ireland and the musicians are thrilled to bring the show to Dolan’s Warehouse!

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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8:00 pm20:00

XIII Doors Album Launch Tour proudly presented Bad Reputation

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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8:00 pm20:00

Kerbdog + special guests Aoife Destruction & The Nilz and 50 Foot Woman

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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10:00 pm22:00

REBOOT presents Jazzy


 We are delighted to announce that European techno phenomenon Jazzy joins us for her 2025 official Irish tour for the very first time 🇮🇪 We are buzzing to have @reboot_events coming through to host one of her 4 MASSIVE tour dates in Dolans Warehouse on February 23rd alongside Reboot DJs and many more TBA 👀

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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8:00 pm20:00

SKINNER proudly presented by Seoda Shows

Skinner is a DIY slouch rock musician based in Dublin who writes, records and produces songs about growing up and overcoming a dirt-flecked 21st century existence.

The DNA of no wave and post-punk acts like The B52s, James Chance and the Contortions and ESG through to alt-rock touchstones Pixies and Morphine combined with a talent for grunge-nodding self-production and pockets of elevated instrumentation is oozing from Skinner’s music.

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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8:00 pm20:00

Duece: A Tribute to Rory Gallagher

Deuce is a tribute band dedicated to celebrating the music and legacy of Rory Gallagher, one of the most influential blues and rock guitarists of the 20th century. The band, named after Gallagher’s 1971 album Deuce, aims to authentically recreate the sound, energy, and spirit of his live performances.  


Rory Gallagher was renowned for his passionate, high-energy shows, which blended blues, rock, and folk influences. Deuce, as a tribute band, focuses on replicating not just the music but also the raw intensity and improvisational style that made Gallagher’s performances legendary. The band’s setlist typically includes songs spanning Gallagher’s career, from his early work with Taste to his iconic solo albums like Deuce, Tattoo, and Irish Tour ’74.


Deuce are delighted to Return to Dolan’s following last year’s sell out show. 

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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9:00 pm21:00

THE SLEEVEENS + Special Guests Soft On Crime


 The Sleeveens came into existence in December of 2022 but their origins date back a little further to 2019 when Stiff Little Fingers Guitar Tech James Mechan met Irish Punk Troubadour Stefan Murphy and talked about making a solo record for the latter at his Studio in Nashville TN.

The pandemic soon put an end to those particular plans but when Murphy moved to Nashville three years later the pair got to work on some recordings with the help of Ryan Sweeney on Drums and Eli Steele on lead guitar.

The Sleeveens first 7 inch single ‘Give My Regards To The Dancing Girls’ proved something of a staple on underground radio - This opened the door to the group signing to Dirtnap Records and the release early this year of their self titled Debut Album with singles ‘Aretha Franklin’ and ‘Metellica Font’ getting equal love out there in the world of independent radio.

The Sleeveens are dealing in the punk aspect of things but doing something cool with it

- NPR Sound Opinions 

 Single of the year 2023 

 - Nashville Scene

 As Far as I’m concerned, all and sundry can pencil in Stef as the impending Punk Rock Van Morrison

- Razorcake Magazine

Tremendous passion and conviction, you can’t ask for a better debut record than this 

- Faster And Louder Magazine 

Early contender for album of the year 

- Toddophonic / WFMU

 It's hard to believe this band are from Nashville...They are actually good!!!

Goner Records 

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On street parking.

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8:00 pm20:00

Nouvelle Vague

Nouvelle Vague, the renowned bossa nova project founded by Marc Collin and the late Olivier Libaux in 2003, has become a musical phenomenon over the past two decades. Initially conceived as a one-off tribute to post-punk songwriting in a bossa nova style, Nouvelle Vague's debut album unexpectedly soared to global acclaim. The band's unique fusion of melancholic post-punk and bossa nova, coupled with their daring French reinterpretation approach, set them apart. The new album, inspired by vocalist Alonya's rendition of The Clash's "Should I Stay Or Should I Go," continues Nouvelle Vague's tradition of reinventing classics. It amplifies the timeless significance and continued impact of Nouvelle Vague's musical legacy.

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

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Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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7:00 pm19:00

Sheer Luck Holmes

Sheer Luck Holmes – The Case of the Floating Fiancée

A laugh out loud Murder Mystery Dinner Show.

Get ready for an exhilarating night of mystery and mayhem as you join Holmes, Watson and Mrs Hudson as they re-enact their latest mind-boggling case. With hilarious characters, deadly twists, dastardly turns, and a three-course meal that's simply to DIE for!

So, dust off your magnifying glasses and prepare to super sleuth your way through a fully interactive murder mystery evening. Will you use your powers of deduction and discover who dunnit?, or will it be down to Sheer Luck?

This hilarious night out is brought to you by the team behind the wildly popular ‘Faulty Towers The Dining Experience’ and ‘Live & Let Dine – A James Bond Spoof.’

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

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No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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7:30 pm19:30

Tadhg J Devery - Comedy

Tadgh J Devery - A Day in the Country Tour Live in Dolans limerick March 6th 7.30pm ( Strictly over 18’s

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

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No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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8:00 pm20:00

Dee Armstrong

A night of origninal music featuring fiddle player Dee Armstrong and her sons Diarmuid and Lughaidh, along with Seamie O'Dowd, Stephen O'Dowd, Grainne Horan, and Sarah Jane Barry.

A Multi-Instrumentalist Journey Through Irish Music

Dee Armstrong is a self-taught multi-instrumentalist, composer, and a vibrant force in Irish music for over three decades. Best known as a member of the iconic band Kíla since 1991, she brings an electrifying energy to every performance, showcasing her mastery of the fiddle, viola, hammered dulcimer, banjo, bodhrán, and tuned percussion.

Coming from a deeply musical family, Dee has inherited a legacy that resonates through generations. This influence is unmistakably present in both her solo work and collaborative projects. Her children — Tiggy, Diarmuid, Lughaidh, and Rosie Armstrong — continue this family tradition. Notably, Diarmuid and Lughaidh also feature on her upcoming solo album, contributing their talents on the 5-string banjo and guitar, respectively.

In addition to her extensive performance experience with Kíla, Dee's creative talents have been instrumental in shaping the band's visual artistry. Over the past 30 years, she has designed Kíla's projections, sets, and visuals, collaborating with designers to create album artwork — a testament to her holistic approach to music.

Beyond Kíla, Dee’s musical journey includes work with The Free Speaking Monkey since 2015 and the Armagh Rhymers from 2024 onwards. Her creativity flows seamlessly from stage to studio as she composes for her solo projects, theatre productions, and radio. Dee has also contributed to numerous film soundtracks, collaborating with composer Bruno Coulais on animated features by the renowned Cartoon Saloon. Her work includes award-winning and Oscar-nominated projects such as The Secret of Kells, Wolfwalkers (collaborating with Aurora), and Song of the Sea (featuring Lisa Hannigan).

Recently, Dee received a Music Bursary and a Traditional Arts Project Award from the Arts Council, supporting her in the creation of her second solo album and the production of a documentary on North Leitrim musician Micheál Clancy, titled "Man of a Thousand Tunes." Dee's journey through music and storytelling continues to evolve, reflecting the essence of Irish culture and the artistry of self-taught musicianship.

From her work on acclaimed film scores like The Secret of Kells to her latest theatre production, Under the Night Sky (2022), Dee Armstrong remains a dynamic figure in Irish music. Her commitment to traditional arts, visual storytelling, and musical innovation distinguishes her as an extraordinary artist with a legacy that celebrates the rich tapestry of Irish music and beyond.

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

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Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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8:00 pm20:00

Gearoid McCarthy

Gearoid McCarthy hails from Foynes in Limerick. He started off as a solo singer on RTE's Class Act coming third and then a few years later joined up with well know west limerick Band mad for road eventually coming second on the All Ireland Talent Show on RTE. Gearoid then moved on playing a season in Lanzarote and Santa Ponsa. Gearoid then moved on playing music for 2 years in Raglan Road at Disney World in Orlando where he was the resident band for 2 years. He then moved on and toured the world with 'Celtic Legends' for another 2 years before bringing his own show back to Ireland in the pubs of Temple bar. Nowadays Gearoid can be Found touring all over the world so keep an eye out ❤️

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

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Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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8:00 pm20:00

Gemma Hayes

Gemma Hayed Live in Dolans Limerick March 8th. Strictly over 18’s

2020 saw Gemma Hayes and her family to relocate from London to West Cork in her native Ireland. It was here that she reignited her passion for songwriting that provided the spark for what would become her sixth studio album Blind Faith. “Songs began to murmur, distil and rise up in my mind,” she explains. “I would lock myself in the room, usually late at night when the world was asleep. I knew I needed to capture them before they left me.”
Blind Faith, released in late September 2024, to great acclaim, with Mojo Magazine
hailing it as “.. the album of her career..” has delighted old fans and won new

The critics have been universally generous in their praise of Gemma’s new work. The album’s cover art, designed by the German artist Dirk Wüstenhagen, suggests an artist diving back into her art with conviction and a newfound sense of freedom, perhaps even a bit of reckless abandon.
Hayes’ songs have always drawn their power from her lyrical intimacy and lucidity, juxtaposed with her penchant for experimenting with various sonic textures that embrace both the quiet and the loud. These hallmarks are on riveting display throughout Blind Faith’s nine compositions, produced by Hayes herself alongside Karl Odlum, David Odlum & Brian Casey.

Gemma brings her intimate acoustic show to Dolans on March 8th

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Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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8:00 pm20:00

Alabama 3

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

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Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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8:00 pm20:00

An Evening with John Barnes

An Evening with John Barnes 

Wednesday 12 March 2025

 Sit back, relax and spend an evening with Football Royalty. One of Anfield's Greatest Ever Players is coming to Limerick. 

 The evening will consist of dressing room tails, lots of laughs also some stories you will have never heard before about ex-teammates, rivals and life in the Liverpool bubble. 

 Q&A from both Host and Audience. 

 Limited Meet and Greet Tickets available. 

Meet & Greet is from 7pm to 8pm (ticketed)

Q&A is from 8m to 9.30pm.

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

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Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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8:00 pm20:00


Started in October 2023, DUG is the new musical project of Lorkin O’Reilly and California native Jonny Pickett.

After spending the past decade in Upstate NY, releasing 2 albums, touring and gaining 24+ million streams on Spotify, Lorkin decided to pack his bags in 2022 and move home to Dublin.

With that life change and meeting Pickett, came the inception of dug– a band that blends American old time and Irish folk, reflecting the musical heritage of both its members.

After selling out two headline shows at Whelan's upstairs, being featured on gemsonvhs, and performing on “Fanning at Whelan's”, the duo is off to a flying start. With their debut album well under way and first two singles released, 2024 is shaping up to be a busy year for DUG.


Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

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Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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7:30 pm19:30

Darren Kiely: the never been here before tour

Following two sold out shows in The Academy last week, Cork singer-songwriter Darren Kiely has announced details of his Never Been Here Before Tour in March of next year. The tour opens with a show in Ulster Hall, Belfast on 5th March, before moving on to a hometown show in Cork City Hall on Saturday 8th March, followed by National Opera House, Wexford on 9th March, the biggest headline show of his career to date in the 3Olympia Theatre on 13th March, before coming to an end in The Milk Market, Limerick on Saturday 15th March 2025.


Hailing from a quaint town in Co. Cork, Ireland, Darren Kiely’s folk-infused pop sound originates from his inherited love of traditional Irish music, intertwined with modern influences such as The Lumineers and Noah Kahan.


At just five years old, Darren learned the tin whistle, and at eight years old he picked up the fiddle, eventually teaching himself to play guitar as well. Darren began singing in 2019, quickly garnering attention for his raw and fervent vocals and emotive delivery. After winning numerous honors at a national level in Irish traditional music, Darren found his way to New York in 2022 to continue developing his own music and sound.


Since then, he has entered Ireland’s top 50 viral charts on three separate occasions: with his debut single “How Could You Love Me,” followed by “Ella” and “Time To Leave.” The singer-songwriter recently added buzzworthy new track “Mom & Dad” to his repertoire, which debuted in the Top 40 on the Irish Singles Chart and also landed him in the Top 5 on the Irish Home Grown chart.


With over 6.5 million total global streams under his belt and recent sold out shows at Rockwood Music Hall and Mercury Lounge in New York and The Basement in Nashville, Darren is set to bring his THE ROAD HOME TOUR to his home country of Ireland in November. With stops in Cork, Dublin, Galway and Limerick, the tour sold out the same day it went on sale.

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It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

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Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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8:00 pm20:00


Smash Hits! are a unique, entertaining tribute to the golden era of dance, pop and R‘n’B.
This Dublin five-piece is comprised of experienced musicians performing the best of classic tracks from acclaimed artists such as Backstreet Boys, Mark McCabe, Peter Andre, Wheatus, MC Hammer, Dr Dre, House of Pain, Westlife, Take That, Spice Girls, Haddaway, and Snap, amongst others.

Fully decked out in outrageous outfits and possessing an energetic set overflowing with chart hits, Smash Hits! are a throwback to a feel-good time of old-skool nightclub DJs, all-night raves and packed out dancefloors.
Since bursting onto the club scene in May 2009 the band have headlined festivals, sold out shows and filled dancefloors all over Ireland and across Europe.

Smash Hits! have residencies in many of the finest venues around Ireland. They have regular sell-out shows in The Button Factory, and The Sugar Club in Dublin, The Forum in Waterford, The Garavogue in Sligo, Langtons in Kilkenny, Brubakers in Dundalk, Home in Balbriggan, Kennedy’s in Thurles … the list goes on.

Smash Hits! have appeared on bills across Ireland with acts like 50 Cent, MGMT, 5ive, S-Club, Faithless, Wheatus, Orbital, The Saturdays, The Coronas and NTrance.

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

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Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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8:00 pm20:00

Bernard Casey (Comedy)

Bernard Casey is an award winning comedian and actor from Portmagee Village Co Kerry. Bernard is best known for his online sketches including Polish Irish Barman, French Oral, Irish Listening Test and his character series Gossip and Nephew. Lately snippets from his stand up shows and clips of Healy Rae voicing Planet Earth have went completely viral. Bernard's live shows have sold out the INEC Killarney, Cork Opera House and Vicar Street Dublin as well as venues in London and Boston. His TV appearances include his recurring role on Callans Kicks every Christmas, Socially Distant on RTE and has completed a pilot with Blindboy Boatclub where he plays a quant man looking for his beloved dog in a show called Blindboy on Cities which is in post production.

"A wonderfully well crafted performer" - Tommy Tiernan

"The future may be a mystery but for Bernard Casey it's sure to be a bright one" - Irish Independent

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

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Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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8:00 pm20:00

JC Stewart

John Callum ‘JC’ Stewart has packed a lot into his 27 years. A self-released single when he was 18. A record deal with Warner Music, signed after an old-fashioned bidding war, when he was 21. A Number One single in the Czech Republic in the teeth of lockdown, underpinned by gold-selling success in Eastern and Northern Europe. A touring and writing partnership with good friend Lewis Capaldi – the Irishman co-wrote ‘Hollywood’ (current Spotify streams: 84 million, give or take) from the Scotsman’s blockbuster debut album, Divinely Inspired to a Hellish Extent. A co-write with Niall Horan on his own 2021 song ‘Break My Heart’. An EP with Tom Odell, one of JC’s North Stars and true heroes. A proper viral moment with his parodic cover of Friends theme ‘I’ll Be There For You’, which went from TikTok to ABC News to an American media storm after Jennifer Aniston reposted it. A deep-seated creative bond with Foy Vance, aka the patron saint of modern Irish songwriters. Now, JC Stewart returns - rebooted, refreshed, realigned and stronger than ever - with his new record label Stanley Park, to continue his musical journey.

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

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Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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7:30 pm19:30

Gearoid Farrelly (Comedy)

Gearóid Farrelly: Gearóid Rage

 Gearóid Farrelly follows his mammoth Glamour Hammer tour with a hilarious new stand up show touching on the many, many, MANY things that make his blood boil.

"Gearóid Farrelly is Bloody Hilarious" Sarah Millican

 "My Absolute Favourite" Joanne McNally

 To be in Farrelly’s crowd is a joy. Each joke landed perfectly… impeccable comic timing” ★★★★★ Broadway Baby

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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8:00 pm20:00

The Rosecaps

The Rosecaps are an independent rock band who have been tipped by The Irish Times and Hot Press Magazine as one of the most promising up and coming artists of 2024. The band have a rapidly growing fan base and a discography filled with a refreshing, exciting new sound. Their live shows are packed with energetic riffs, infectious melodies and an even bigger selection of unreleased tracks that crowds can’t get enough of.

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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7:30 pm19:30

Breathe The Pink Floyd Experience Presents Pulse

"PULSE: A Tribute to Pink Floyd's Classic Live Album”
Introducing "PULSE" the latest masterpiece from Breathe - The Pink Floyd Experience.
As Ireland's premier Pink Floyd tribute show, Breathe has been captivating audiences
since 2015 with their impeccable musicianship and unwavering dedication to the iconic
sounds of Pink Floyd.

"PULSE" is a breathtaking journey through Pink Floyd's legendary live album,
meticulously crafted to capture the essence and energy of their iconic performances.
From the haunting melodies of "Shine On You Crazy Diamond" to the electrifying pulse
of "Another Brick in the Wall," Breathe delivers an authentic Pink Floyd experience that
will leave audiences spellbound.

Featuring the crème de la crème of Ireland's session musicians, Breathe brings together
a powerhouse lineup of talent. With members who have previously graced stages
alongside some of the country's top acts, including Sinead O'Connor, Westlife, Shane
McGowan, The RTE concert Orchestra and Ian Richie (Rogar Water’s band) this
ensemble embodies the essence of musical excellence.

Join us for an unforgettable evening of music, nostalgia, and pure sonic bliss as Breathe -
The Pink Floyd Experience pays homage to one of the greatest bands of all time. Don't
miss your chance to witness the magic of Pink Floyd brought to life on stage like never
before. Get your tickets now and prepare to be transported to the heart of the music
with "PULSE."

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

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No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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8:00 pm20:00


Flyte is the project of English songwriters Will Taylor and Nick Hill. The pair met at secondary school, eventually settling in Hackney, London. Taylor’s parents were both English teachers and inevitably, various literary influences trickled into the duo’s music- the band taking it’s name from Sebastian Flyte of Evelyn Waugh’s Brideshead Revisited.

After the release of two critically acclaimed albums, they have established themselves as an influential mainstay. The Loved Ones (2017) recorded with Burke Reid (Julia Jacklin, Courtney Barnett) in the Australian outback, explored the ways in which people struggle to process love. The albums’ crafted storytelling and ambitious, harmonic arrangements earned it the title ‘Best British debut of the year’ from the Sunday Times.

Second album ‘This Is Really Going To Hurt’ (2021), took them out to Los Angeles to work with collaborator Andrew Sarlo (Big Thief, Bon Iver). Seeing the sound move into a more simplistic and confessional mode, focusing entirely on the aftermath of relationships ending.

After extensive touring of Europe and North America, Flyte have teamed back up with Andrew Sarlo, this time at London’s famous Konk Studios, to record their most confident and collaborative work to date. The latest self titled album, inspired by Taylor’s relationship with partner and artist Billie Marten, explores love in all its early forms and features artists such as Laura Marling, Bombay Bicycle Club and M Field.

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

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No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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8:00 pm20:00

Jack Lukeman

Jack Lukeman Live in Dolans Limerick March 28th 2025 (Strictly over 18’s)

Jack Lukeman Presents: UNBROKEN SONGS 2025

Join Jack Lukeman for an unforgettable evening celebrating resilience, hope, love, and dreams through his extraordinary musical journey. Unbroken Songs draw from Jack's 30-year career, during which he's uplifted spirits and touched hearts worldwide, performing through joyful and challenging times.

This show features a thoughtfully curated collection of songs, blending timeless melodies with Celtic soul. With themes of perseverance, love, and the enduring strength of dreams, Unbroken Songs captures the essence of Jack's musical legacy. The show will offer fans a powerful emotional journey from the bold energy of tracks like Georgie Boy, If We Only Have Love, and Keep Dancing to the reflective depth of Open Your Borders and the life-affirming Wicked Way.

"These songs carry the lessons and experiences I've gathered along the way," Jack reflects. "Music has always been what helps us push forward, especially when things get tough. This tour is a journey through my life, immersed in songs."

In Unbroken Songs, audiences will experience the evolution of an artist whose distinctive storytelling and powerful voice continue to captivate. The show features signature tracks and rare gems while marking the 20th anniversary of Jack's seminal album Broken Songs, offering fans a fresh opportunity to revisit this landmark work. "These songs have grown with me," Jack says. "Playing them now feels like coming full circle."

Expect a night of soul, reflection, and dynamic performances as Jack brings his iconic presence to the stage. The Unbroken Songs tour promises to leave you inspired, re-energised, and filled with hope.

The Incredible Jack Lukeman” - Jools Holland

The most amazing voice”-Trevor Horn

Guardian ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Telegraph ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Scotsman ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Amazon     ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Edinburgh Spotlight Winner 🏆 

Hollywood Fringe Winner 🏆

SanDiego Fringe 🏆

'What a voice....think Frank Sinatra, Scott Walker, Jaques Brel....Yes, we’re talking that good!” - The Guardian

“ The most magnificent and enigmatic of performers.” - Edinburgh Spotlight Magazine - Scotland

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8:00 pm20:00

The Howlers

London desert-rockers The Howlers have never strayed from their open and honest approach to
musicianship, quickly identifying themselves as one of the UK’s must-see acts. Gaining much
deserved praise from Rolling Stone Magazine, Classic Rock, KEXP and BBC Radio 1 for their west
coast sun soaked sound, frontman Adam Young also featured in an article for PRS regarding his own
battles with Health and wellbeing and opportunities presented to working class creatives.

Following the independent release of 2 critically acclaimed EP’s The Howlers have embarked on
multiple UK Tours seeing the band sell out venues up and down the country whilst intermittently
touring as tour support for a host of acclaim artists including long time collaborators and multiple Top
10 selling artists Black Honey, The Blue Stones and Much More, The Howlers Debut Album ‘What
you've got to lose to win it all’ a body of work set to outshine their previous accomplishments reaching
a Official Charts Top 15 position as a wholly independent artist with the record now Sold Out
everywhere, the Blood records special edition variant sold out in a staggering 6 minutes.

“The Howlers take you on a hellish ride both emotional and catchy” - Rolling Stone

“How can we not forsee a bright future taking flight with their debut album” - Classic Rock 8/10*
“Ambition, brutal honesty and ferocity the word’s out, The Howlers are ones to watch” - The Line of Best Fit

“I’m digging The Howlers and their desert rock jam” - The Independent
“A Desert Rock Tinged Gem well on their way to creating their own niche” - Scottish Daily Express 4/5*

“Leather clad cigarette chomping Outlaws” - CLASH

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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8:00 pm20:00

Mack Fleetwood

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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8:00 pm20:00

Brian Kennedy

Brian Kennedy is one of Ireland’s most inspired and revered ambassadors of music.   He is not only a prolific songwriter but a master interpreter of lyrics as well, and audiences around the world continue to praise his exceptional vocal talents. Originally from Belfast, Northern Ireland, the multi-platinum recording artist remains one of Ireland’s most popular singing stars.

With “a voice to charm the angels,” Brian survived a childhood on the infamous Falls Road, West Belfast, at the height of its hellish history against all the odds to carve an extraordinary career in music. “It’s a miracle that I survived my childhood and became a singer really, given where and how my life started, but somehow my voice had other plans and saved me in the end." That voice set him on a course that changed his life forever. 

From harmonizing with ambulance sirens as a child to finally overcoming stage fright, his gradual ascent was nothing short of incredible. He busked on the dangerous streets of his hometown whatever the political climate until a sudden escape to London at 18 where he survived the only way he knew how. He sang unaccompanied in the underground stations and outside the Dominion Theatre, sometimes literally in order to eat and until he finally saved up enough money for a guitar. Soon thereafter, Brian was discovered by British entrepreneur/manager Simon Fuller.

Brian is first and foremost a live performer and songwriter declaring “music is my lifeblood.”  His constant touring from Ireland and the UK to Australia, Europe, Asia and the USA, including the major global festivals, has resulted in an ever-growing international fan base, over a phenomenal three-decade career. 

Spotted by Belfast legend Van Morrison, Brian was invited to a rehearsal one day which resulted in Morrison recruiting him to join his now unforgettable “Blues & Soul Revue” tour as guest lead singer. Thanks to Van’s ongoing mentoring and generosity, Brian found himself sharing vocal duties on stages across the globe over a six-year period with Morrison and a breathtaking array of some of the greatest artists in history: Joni Mitchell, Bob Dylan, Ray Charles and John Lee Hooker to name a few. Performing at Madison Square Garden in New York was a far cry from the Falls Road. His unique voice can be heard harmonizing and answering Van on five of his major hit albums including “A Night In San Francisco” and “Days Like This.” 

Throughout the relentless touring with Van Morrison, Brian somehow managed to maintain a stream of chart-making albums. “A Better Man” (1996) and “Now That I Know What I Want” (1999), both went platinum at No.1 and earned him the awards of Irish Best Male Artist and Irish Best Male Album, as did the highly acclaimed “Homebird” (2006) and cover album “Interpretations” (2008). 

Brian has done impromptu performances with Stevie Wonder at Ronnie Scotts in London and, incredibly and proudly, he is one of only a few to have also sung with the late legendary Jeff Buckley at Sin-É in New York.

Brian was the very first international artist to record the now famous uplifting anthem “You Raise Me Up” by Secret Garden in 2001, today one of his most popular signature songs.  His heart-wrenching LIVE performance of “You Raise Me Up” at the funeral of Irish football legend George Best was released as a single and earned him a spot in the top 5 of the UK charts.  This song has since been recorded by over 1,000 artists.  

Brian is a natural TV (The Voice-Ireland coach) and radio host (ClareFM) as well as lead performer on diverse international stages. From his role in Riverdance-On Broadway in New York (nine months/over 300 performances) to Eurovision 2006 in Athens, Brian also found time to write and publish two fiction novels that were an instant success.  He continues to receive many prestigious awards, including the 2019 West Belfast Legend Award, 2010 Ireland Meteor Lifetime Achievement Award for Music, and an even rarer Honorary Doctorate Degree of Letters by the University of Ulster for his contribution to Literature and Arts. 

2016 found Brian busy in the studio recording a 32-track double CD “The Essential Collection” comprising all brand-new recordings from the past and present including a duet with Boy George of ‘Christopher Street’. Brian maintains that “music is the language of emotion,” and after all his years performing and recording with Van Morrison, he favors the live shows above all else. “Van always said you’re only as good as your last gig.”    

Also in 2016, Brian began the most challenging journey of his life with a cancer diagnosis and he cites singing and performing as the motivation for staying positive. “The gigs make everything worthwhile, the fans' support means the world to me,” he said. “If anything, the diagnosis and treatment has given me greater focus and determination to get through it all. Music is the ultimate healer and my voice has never let me down.”  The same year, Brian’s iconic album “A Better Man” turned 20 and what better place to celebrate than on stage doing what he loves best. He performed the entire album in Dublin’s prestigious Vicar Street venue on October 13, 2016.  

In 2017, following a sell-out run at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, he released the “Live at Vicar Street, Dublin” double CD and bonus DVD before heading to China for a tour with Secret Garden where they had a huge hit with Brian performing “You Raise Me Up."

Brian recorded his first ever collection of his most beloved Christmas songs with brand new, breath-taking arrangements for some old and new classic Christmas songs resulting in the 2018 release of the album “Christmassy.” That same year he had to have a nine hour lifesaving double stoma surgery and took time out to start his recovery. Unbelievably two weeks after leaving hospital he sang at a fundraiser for a friend in Dublin.

In June 2019 Brian completed an exhaustive 6 month chemotherapy chapter and was gladly given the all clear…cancer free!  During his period of healing, he wrote new songs which reflect his incredible journey. The result: the poignant and inspiring EP aptly entitled “Recovery.” He performed these new songs for the first time at the 2019 Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

It has long been a desire of Brian’s to perform at New York’s famed Carnegie Hall.  He realised that dream on December 9, 2019 and had the 3,000 plus SRO crowd in the palm of his hand as they sang along with him.

Brian recorded and co-wrote the song ‘Things Are Gonna Change’ with Boy George (released April, 2020). 

Throughout lockdown Brian presented a fortnightly up close and personal show live on Facebook called ‘A Night In With Brian Kennedy’. Each show has a new set of his most popular songs, guests and chat, all streamed live from Dublin at 8.00pm. The shows have so far reached a combined audience of over 150,000+

Unfortunately, in late June 21 Brian suffered a major heart attack and he needed a quadruple bypass operation that saved his life. It was the third time that he had to learn to walk again but as ever he soldiered through that with incredible success. As if that wasn’t enough, he contracted Covid but because he was doubly vaccinated, he was able to recover fully at home and his spirit and voice are stronger than ever. As his Song RECOVERY says, “You just can’t keep a good man down, that’s what my doctor says”. He has recently returned to the stage now Covid restrictions have lifted and it’s an understatement to say he’s singing better than ever. Bring on the gigs!

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8:00 pm20:00

Nathan Evans and the Saint PHNX Band

Nathan Evans is a Scottish singer, songwriter, and guitarist who went from postal worker to social media star in 2020 when his a cappella versions of traditional sea shanties became a viral sensation, resulting in a major-label record deal. He issued his debut single, "Wellerman," the following year.

Born in Bellshill and based outside of Glasgow in the town of Airdrie, Evans started playing guitar at the age of eight. After graduating from college with a degree in web design he joined the Royal Mail as a postal worker, and in his downtime began posting covers of Bob Dylan, Paul Simon, Vance Joy, and Kodaline songs on his social media page. When a follower suggested that he try his hand at some traditional folk music, he uploaded a rendition of the sea shanty "Leave Her Johnny." The song proved popular with his fans, so he added "The Scotsman" and the 19th century New Zealand shanty "Wellerman" to his repertoire. The latter track, which appeared in December 2020, quickly took on a life of its own, garnering millions of streams and spawning a slew of remixes and renditions by the likes of Brian May, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Elon Musk, and Jimmy Fallon, and sparking a renewed interest in the genre. In January 2021, Evans inked a three-album recording contract with Polydor, officially quit his mail job, and released "Wellerman" as a proper single. ~ James Christopher Monger, Rovi

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7:00 pm19:00

Manchester United legends Night  featuring John O'Shea and Wes Brown  M&G

Manchester United legends Night  featuring John O'Shea and Wes Brown  M&G Dolans Warehouse Limerick April 2nd

Sit Back, Relax and Spend an evening with Football Royalty. Irish Football legend John O’Shea is coming to Limerick and he’s bringing Wes Brown Too. 

On arrival everyone will be greeted by the guys and have a professional photo. A keepsake of what is sure to be a fantastic evening for Manchester United Fans of all ages. 

Q&A will consist of questions from both host and audience. Find out what it was like to win Premier Leagues and Champions Leagues under the great Sir Alex Ferguson. Enjoy hilarious dressing room tales of Ronaldo, Rooney and of course… Roy Keane!! 

With 10 Premier Leagues and 3 Champions Leagues between them it’s safe to say they know a thing or two about winning! 

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7:30 pm19:30

Danny O'Brien-'Killa-Dan-Jaro' (Comedy)

After a complete sell-out run at The Edinburgh Fringe and several Irish and International Festivals with his new show, multi-award-winning Wicklovian comedian Danny O' Brien is back in Dolan's with a high-octane stand-up show 

like no other bringing the BIG laughs all over Ireland and beyond. From getting scammed by a fake landlord in Edinburgh to climbing several peaks around the globe (Including Kilimanjaro in Tanzania) 

This is definitely O' Brien's biggest, best and most exciting show to date!
He has toured over 60 tour dates globally this past year, sold out Liberty Hall Theatre in Dublin, released a TV special and headlined at various international comedy festivals to worldwide audiences.

This is one stand-up hour you do NOT want to miss!

"O’ Brien took to the stage like a force of nature…one suspects it won’t be too much longer before stadiums come calling" The Examiner ★★★★★

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8:00 pm20:00


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8:00 pm20:00


Formed at school in Dublin’s late 1980’s, Award-winning band, Kíla, are heralded as one of Ireland’s most innovative and exciting bands. Their unique sound has been ever evolving, rooted in tradition, yet inspired by a myriad of influences and ideas from all around the world.

Often defined as contemporary Irish World music, Kíla fuse the effects of their own melodies and Irish (Gaeilge) lyrics, Irish folk instruments such as whistles, fiddles, Uilleann pipes, bones and bodhrán with djembe, congas, drums, mandolins, brass, and acoustic/electric/ bass guitars.  Kíla’s eight members come from the differing musical backgrounds of traditional, classical, and rock. 

The result is a fresh blend of freewheeling instrumentals, furious jigs, and primal rhythms that transcend the traditional boundaries of Irish music. 

Kíla have worked extensively in TV and film. In 2020 they won the IFTA for Best Original Score for the soundtrack or Arracht (TG4). Their most notable collaborations have been with French composer Bruno Coulais on the soundtracks for Cartoon Saloon’s three Oscar-nominated animated films The Secret of Kells (2010), Song of the Sea (2014), and most recently for Wolfwalkers (2020).

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8:00 pm20:00

Bone Machine, Play the music of Tom Waits

Bone Machine are a band of internationally experienced musicians playing the songs of Tom Waits...

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8:00 pm20:00


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8:00 pm20:00

October Drift

Dedication, hard work and resilience make the backbone of October Drift. Through a turbulent world of personal upheavals, a global pandemic, alongside social and political unrest, the highly acclaimed indie rock four piece from South West England head towards their third album Blame The Young on September 27th via Physical Education Recordings with a new refreshed view of clarity and experience inspiring their most powerful and personal record yet. 

Kiran Roy (vocals/guitar), Alex Bispham (bass), Chris Holmes (drums/vocals) and Dan Young (guitar) retreated to the Somerset Levels for the recording of Blame The Young, a serene location of seemingly endless space perfect for reflection on the time past from their highly praised album I Don’t Belong Anywhere in 2022. 

I Don’t Belong Anywhere was a difficult record to make,” Kiran says, “We wrote and recorded it ourselves during the lockdown in our studio and it has that claustrophobic and isolated feel to it. We also felt some pressure to get the thing written and to live up to the first. This third album I think has felt easier and more fun to make. It was great to be in a different environment and I think you can hear that it was a lighter experience making this record.”

Continuing about the band he says, “A lot has changed amongst us since the last album. I think we’ve all had to have grown as people and we’ve all made changes in our lives. There’s a sense of a journey, even pilgrimage, in this new album. I say pilgrimage because there is an almost spiritual element - it's sometimes hard to explain why we write songs and what it means for people to hear them and to play them live and have people sing them back. This album is an escape for us and a route out of the regular.”

The album title is formed from the visceral lead single and album opener of the same name, a track about standing up against denial, be that on a personal level or seen in the wider spectrum of society. 

“It has a youthful defiance,” says Kiran, “we’ve been making music together since we were teenagers and this record feels like the amalgamation of all that time and shared experience growing up together.”

‘Blame The Young’ is followed by recent single ‘Demons’, “a soaring anthem" as described by Chris Hawkins on BB6 Music. The lyric "Lay all your demons down on me" perfectly sums up the essence ‘Demons’. It underscores the song's message of solidarity and mutual support, emphasising the strength found in unity even when both individuals feel incomplete. Set in their energetic alt-rock/shoegaze wall of sound, it’s an anthem of togetherness. 

“It’s about being there for someone,” Kiran explains, “Getting everything off your chest. It's about protection - “your castle is my ribcage, your gates are my teeth”. It’s being a sounding board, being a punch bag even. It’s about finding solace in another person, and maybe both feeling incomplete or having things weighing them down but being stronger together - “rest in my ruin” / “rest in your ruin”, “sleep on a piece of broken heart”. Life has its challenges, and it throws you punches. The loss of the candyfloss optimism of youth - it dissolves as soon as it touches the tongue.”

Mournful riffs and solemn vocals in a similar realm to Pixies open ‘Nothing Makes Me Feel (The Way You Do)’, another example of the contrasting dark tones of the record among optimistic songwriting. 

“This song has a subtle dark comedy to it. Kind of tongue in cheek. It's like an anti-love song - relationships are complicated and sometimes there isn't the vocabulary to describe emotions - “nothing makes me feel the way you do”. Those feelings that are difficult to put your finger on - it could be a mixture of emotions at once.

“I guess it's about a falling out and how people can be harshest to those they love the most, it also has the desire to work things out and turns the meaning of “nothing makes feel the way you do” from negative to positive at the end. There’s a feeling of coming out the other side by the end of the song, and perhaps strengthening and growing because of it - I think that growth and coming out the other side of something is a theme throughout the album.”

‘Wallflower’ (written during the pandemic about passive observation) and ‘Borderline’ find the band looking back furthest on this record. The latter was originally recorded with Justin Lockey of Editors for October Drift’s widely praised 2020 debut Forever Whatever,  yet it now rightfully finds its place four years later on Blame The Young with a message that seamlessly fits into the new record, “There's an element in the verses of feeling sorry for yourself, feeling like you've lost momentum or energy for what you're doing and you're looking to others to reignite something within yourself too, again about connection and strength in unity with an underlying message of we’re still one, and stronger together.”

Meanwhile, ‘Don’t Care’ is rife in angst and punk rock energy fuelled by the stifling effects of modern everyday struggles. “This is about being worn, overtired, overwhelmed. It’s the painting of an overcrowded urban landscape and having both anxiety and dissociation with the surroundings. It’s about long journeys, long days waiting around, feeling separate from everyone else who seem to be keeping everything together, keeping everything turning.”

The track plays as a lyrical warning to the following ‘Everybody Breaks’ a devastatingly huge anthem made for singalong unity influenced by the poem Not Waving But Drowning by Stevie Smith. “The poem is about being misunderstood and the contrast of inner feelings and outward expression. It's about a cry for help, which is totally misinterpreted, it highlights the importance of checking in on friends and family. The song also has this nothing left to lose attitude - just dance all night, just lose a fight. It’s at the rock bottom of the album, in terms of the journey - seeing no purpose in anything. And in terms of the theme of balance, it's totally gone - too far out, and floating still.”

Mixing refreshing dark humour with soaring alt rock energy, ‘Tyrannosaurus Wreck’ reflects the challenges of relationships in the unstable world of music. “It’s about a relationship breakdown and the balance of life within this band and life outside of it. It’s like saying I'm a huge fucking disaster. It’s kind of silly, it has a tragic sort of self-awareness, making light of quite heavy themes.” 

What’s clear on Blame The Young is that striving for emotional and personal stability is a key for October Drift. The punchy Mogwai-esque drone of ‘Hollow’ captures finding balance, while the dreamy ‘Heal’ is about breaking our negative habits, not putting ourselves down or holding back, while also analysing the way systems and social structures can keep people down too. 

“It’s better to be bold and true to yourself and part of that fight, then to be held back and scared,” says Kiran. “Don’t allow the darkness and negativity in the world and in life control or rule or get the better of you. It feels ceremonious to me, a mantra for the modern day. A light at the end of the tunnel. I can’t make the darkness disappear - but we’re on the same side and together we can guide ourselves through whatever life throws our way.”

The album is brought to a symphonic end with ‘Not Running Anymore’, a beautiful fitting closer to the moving record and a bright beacon for optimistic content. The closing track brings the album round full circle, from facing denial in ‘Blame The Young’ to the acceptance found here in ‘Not Running Anymore’.

“It’s about finding yourself, being true to yourself and others.” Kiran says about the single. “In a world where we are increasingly made to believe we are all divided and everything is broken, the final refrain of 'you're not alone' reminds us we are all part of something greater. We can all move beyond blame and take responsibility for ourselves and help others.”

With two widely acclaimed albums behind them (supported by the likes of The Observer, Daily Star, Kerrang, Classic Rock, Rolling Stone and more), a slew of radio hits in the UK, Europe and US, and a fervent live following with multiple sold out shows across the UK and Europe (with their largest forthcoming on November 5th at London’s Scala) alongside gracing their arena stages this year as they stepped up to support Archive across Europe, the band come armed with the songs and experience ready to take 2024 by storm.

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7:30 pm19:30

Peter McGann (Comedy)

Lisa Richards Presents

Peter McGann: ah no

The Great Lad is back with a hilarious new comedy special. 

 Join Peter McGann (Good BoySmall Town, Big Story) on a deeply stupid time-jumping journey as he brushes shoulders with the Chicago mafia, a flying column from Cork and D-list Irish content creators, all the while seeking to learn just what kind of comedian, and indeed man, he wants to be.

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8:00 pm20:00

Phil Campbell and The Bastard Sons proudly presented by Bad Reputation

Phil Campbell and The Bastard Sons will hit Limerick on Fri. 18th April to celebrate 50 years of Motorhead!

A hard-hitting, old-school rock outfit led by Motörhead guitarist Phil Campbell, Phil Campbell & the Bastard Sons were formed after the death of Motörhead frontman Lemmy in 2015.

Following the inevitable disbandment of Motörhead, Campbell announced he was working on a solo album, recording with a plethora of guest artists including Rob Halford, Joe Satriani, and Slipknot percussionist Chris Fehn. Around the same time, he formed a new band, Phil Campbell & the Bastard Sons. Alongside former Attack! Attack! vocalist Neil Starr, the group featured Campbell's three actual sons: guitarist Todd, bassist Tyla, and drummer Dane. While still very much in an old-school rock vein, the new band's material was more stylistically varied than Motörhead's. Their eponymous debut EP appeared in 2016, and their debut full-length, The Age of Absurdity, arrived in 2018 through Nuclear Blast. After the release of the album, Campbell returned to his solo effort, Old Lions Still Roar, which appeared in 2019.

The Bastard Sons reconvened in 2020 to record their sophomore album. Despite COVID-19 putting some of their plans on hold, the band decided to continue with the release of the record. Engineered by son Todd during lockdown and mixed by Soren Andersen (the Answer, Dead Daisies) the resulting We're the Bastards was issued at the end of 2020, once again by Nuclear Blast. ~ John D. Buchanan, Rovi

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8:00 pm20:00

Freddie White

Freddie White is a masterful guitar player, singer-songwriter and interpreter of songs who has captivated audiences in Ireland and beyond with his emotive performances. With a career spanning decades, Freddie continues to be a luminary in the music industry, leaving an indelible mark on those who have the privilege of experiencing his live shows.

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7:00 pm19:00

Ocean Colour Scene - SOLD OUT

Embracing classic pop song structures and guitar jams in equal measure, Ocean Colour Scene defined the best qualities of the British trad rock that surfaced in the wake of during the second half of the 1990s. Ocean Colour Scene pioneered this blend of the clever tunefulness of and the heady exploration of Traffic on Moseley Shoals, the 1996 album that made the band's career. Featuring "The Riverboat Song," "You've Got It Bad," and "The Day We Caught the Train," Moseley Shoals went triple platinum in the U.K., a success furthered by 1997's Marchin' Already, and its hits "Hundred Mile High City" and "Travellers Tune." These two tuneful, vigorous records established the blueprint the group would follow over the decades. Once the Brit-pop boom faded in the early 2000s, Ocean Colour Scene kept the classic rock flame burning by continuing to record on a regular basis and touring into the 2020s.

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7:00 pm19:00

The Blindboy Live Podcast Show


Blindboy: The Topographica Hibernica Live Tour
Experience The Blindboy Podcast LIVE with polymath, author, screenwriter, songwriter, musician, producer and academic Blindboy to mark to release of his highly anticipated book, Topographica Hibernica.
Described as a "cultural phenomenon" by The New York Times; The Blindboy podcast is an award-winning, storytelling podcast in the Irish tradition of the Seanchaí which seamlessly intertwines history, fiction, cultural critique and politics into a relaxing form the creator calls “The podcast hug”. 

Drawing upon his knowledge and chronic curiosity to democratise topics such as art, psychology, politics, science and music, for these LIVE and exclusive events, Blindboy will offer the audience a unique and humorous insight into issues which are perceived to be complex. 
The Blindboy Podcast is the creative summation of Mr Boatclubs experience, exceeding 60 million global listeners. From Toronto, to London, to Sydney to Galway, Blindboy’s live podcasts are consistently sold-out affairs where he captivates his audiences in a quietened intimate atmosphere. But, like Blindboy, these events are truly unique. 

Drawing from his years of live performance experience, Blindboy will read from his much-anticipated new book Topographica Hibernica; a visionary new short story collection that unravels the knotted threads of humanity, nature and colonisation. 
With a surprise special guest at every show, these meditative evenings will seek to replicate a private conversation in a public space through the language of theatre. In equal parts spontaneously endearing and refreshingly engaging, undoubtably there will be something for everyone to enjoy. Do not miss it!

Described as a "cultural phenomenon" by The New York Times. The Blindboy podcast is an award winning storytelling podcast in the Irish tradition of the Seanchaí. Seamlessly Intertwining history, fiction, cultural critique and politics into a relaxing form the author calls “The podcast hug”.  now exceeded 60 million global listeners and is global & recent UK tour Sold out & he was nominated for four awards at the Irish podcast awards this year which is incredible.

"Blindboy is maybe one of the most gifted writers of his generation" The Irish Times 

"Blindboy addresses topics like mental health that Irish news media outlets rarely touch, and brings a millennial sensibility to political discussions. His register is earnest and intellectual, but also funny and down-to-earth." The New York Times

Blindboy is a best selling author of fiction, who has written three collections of short stories. He has over a decade of experience writing for television, having made shows for BBC, ITV, Channel 4, MTV and RTE. 
He is also a songwriter, musician and producer. The Blindboy podcast is the creative summation of all these experiences 

Blindboy is also an academic, having completed a masters degree in 2015 in creative practice and the social environment. He draws upon this to democratise topics such as art, psychology, politics, science and music. Offering a unique and humorous insights into issues which are perceived to be complex   Mental health is a frequent topic on the Blindboy podcast. 
And finally his live podcast shows.  
From Toronto, to London, to Sydney to Galway, Blindboys live podcasts are consistently sold out affairs where he captivates his audiences in an quietened intimate atmosphere. 
Drawing from his years of live performance experience,  Blindboy can make a crowd of 1200 feel as though they are in a small room with only a handful of others. 

He reads from his book, and he speaks with a guest. It is not an interview, but rather an intimate chat which seeks to replicate a private conversation in a public space through the language of theatre.     
These live shows are spontaneously endearing and heartwarmingly engaging, there’s usually something in here for everyone to enjoy. 
Notable past guests have been Spike Lee, Bernadette Devlin, Sinead O Connor and President of Ireland Michael D Higgins. 

In 2019 his book “boulevard wren and other stories” was a bestseller. 
He released his TV series “Blindboy undestroys the world” on BBC. As well as the continued and thundering success of the blindboy podcast with online and as a live show. 
A new bestseller "Topographica Hibernica” was a beest seller in 2023 and 2024 

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8:00 pm20:00

Chuck Ragan

"Chuck Ragan’s solo output has given him the chance to explore the twangier side of life. There’s a lot more acoustic guitar, fiddle, and pedal steel guitar than amps cranked to max. The power and potency isn’t dialed back though – Ragan’s weather-beaten voice still commands your undivided attention." - NPR

"The thing about Chuck is, it’s sort of hard to shoot the shit with the guy. How do you make small talk with a man who’s larger than life? It’s like talking about the weather with a unicorn." -

"Impassioned, undeniable shot of sing-along Americana." -
Rolling Stone

AUGUST 16, 2024 [New York, NY] -- “I’m always trying to do something different because I feel like if we’re not searching, we’re not learning,” says ultimate folk troubadour, punk pioneer, and fly-fisherman extraordinaire CHUCK RAGAN about his new album LOVE AND LORE which is set for release on October 25, 2024 via Rise Records. “My writing approach seems to be whatever the song needs or wherever the song takes you, just let it breathe.”

That sums up his fiery first solo collection in a decade as well as his career as co-frontman of perennial punk band Hot Water Music and a legendary solo artist. Always pushing boundaries and defying genres, Chuck’s music constantly strives for and, more importantly, achieves the rare distinction of being both groundbreaking yet feeling quite distinctly Chuck. His new single, the fiery rocker “Wild In Our Ways” (released today, August 16th) is a perfect example. The chiming guitar attack that launches the track sounds harder than most of Chuck’s solo material, but the second his instantly recognizable and road-worn vocals enter the picture, it drapes you with that comforting Chuck Ragan™ warmth, like a flannel blanket around a campfire.

A song of survival and struggle, “Wild In Our Ways” is a defiant anthem that pulls for the underdog and lifts him up high. “We could say anything and / Love the dirt on an endless road / We're not meant to be alone / Stop dead in tracks we sing / We’re not meant to surrender, not meant to bow out,” he sings with fist-up, blue collar conviction. The one theme throughout all of this is the way that Chuck approaches everything with a level of honesty and integrity that can’t be faked—and that sentiment is undeniable on Love And Lore, his first solo collection in ten years.

First conceptualized in 2016 with studio work beginning in 2019, progress was halted due to that ol’ dreaded COVID, Love And Lore was posited on the shelf while he focused on his fly fishing operation in Grass Valley, CA to provide for his family. “We got serious about making this album again in 2022, but I didn’t have a ton of time to devote to it between being physically exhausted and having a toddler,” he admits. “It was just chaos.” (This also includes a tree falling on guitarist/pedal steel/multi-instrumentalist Todd Beene’s house.) Eventually Love And Lore was recorded in early 2023 and the result is an album that showcases Chuck’s further transcending the “folk” label to create a collection of songs that see him stretching out as a songwriter to fearlessly explore new sonic territory.

A formidable presence on stage for the last three decades, Chuck Ragan played his first solo show over 30 years ago and has been writing heartfelt campfire anthems ever since he picked up an acoustic guitar at the age of 12. Growing up in the Southeast and raised by his Louisiana and Florida-bred Southern family, he has toured the world with seminal punk band Hot Water Music and as a solo performer. Chuck conceptualized The Revival Tour in 2005, which has been one of the most anticipated tours throughout North America, Europe, and Australia since its inception in 2008. Featuring such punk rock royalty as Frank Turner, Dave Hause (The Loved Ones), Jenny Owens Young, Brian Fallon (The Gaslight Anthem), Laura Jane Grace (Against Me!), Dan Andriano (Alkaline Trio) among many others, The Revival Tour was a festival of sorts that brought together artists of varying genres to collaborate and jam on stage as a musical collective. Ragan has toured the globe extensively for the past two decades and has become a household name in both the folk and punk communities.

Aside from his constantly evolving musical career, Chuck is a true multi-hyphenate as he is an established fishing guide who leads fly fishing trips throughout the Sacramento Valley Rivers in and around the Western region of the Lower Sierra Nevada Mountains. He has also written a book, The Road Most Traveled (2012), which compiles anecdotes about life on the road. In addition, an award-winning documentary Landsick based on his balance between music, his fishing, and his family, had a theatrical release in 2018, and was followed by a wide release on YouTube the following year.

 “Wild In Our Ways” was produced by Todd Beene and Chuck Ragan, engineered by Ryan Williams at Black Bear Studios in Gainesville, FL and features Spencer Duncan on bass, George Rebelo (Hot Water Music) on drums, Todd Beene on guitar, Chris Cresswell (Hot Water Music, The Flatliners) on backing vocals.

It is released today, October 15, 2024 via Rise Records and can be streamed/purchased here: https://ChuckRagan.lnk.to/WildInOurWays. The new album LOVE AND LORE will be released on October 25, 2024.

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7:30 pm19:30

Eric Lalor (Comedy)


Award-winning Eric Lalor is one of the most sought after comedians in the country. Having started way back on Des Bishop’s Joy in the Hood, Eric has gone on to forge a successful career in comedy, appearing at all the major comedy festivals and headlining venues up and down the country.

Some people will recognise him as the villain from Fair City, the gangster, Cathal Spillane. Indeed Eric has a number of acting credits including Amber, Brigid & Eamonn, The Commute and COVID based comedy, Socially Distant, plus a number of short films.

He has won Irish comedian of the year twice as voted by the readers of entertainment.ie, and now his new podcast, You Must Be Jokin, which he co-hosts with fellow Ballymunner, Willa White, has won Best Podcast at the Digital Media Awards.

Having recently sold out his new one man show, Lol’er By Nature at the Liberty Hall Theatre, Eric is at the top of his game and one of the most reliable comedy acts in the country.

“Eric never fails to crack me up, a great standup’ – Joanne McNally

“Always knew Eric was destined for a career in comedy, an absolute natural” – Des Bishop

“A relentless force of nature” – Irish Independent

“A side-splitting comic who is so relatable” – Dermot Whelan

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8:00 pm20:00


Alessio Scozzaro is a classically trained musician who’s been releasing music as Vraell since 2019, slowly building up an audience for his ethereal sounds. Taking inspiration from classical guitar musicians such as Gustavo Santaolalla and contemporary acts like Sufjan Stevens, Scozzaro's songwriting explores hefty, personal themes, carefully transforming these topics into emotive remedies.

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8:00 pm20:00

Carsie Blanton

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8:00 pm20:00

Andy Irvine & Quilty

The Swedish band Quilty is a highly renowned interpreter of traditional Irish music and considered to be the foremost band of the Irish folk music scene in Scandinavia. The band was formed in 1993 and has over the last three decades performed a huge number of concerts in Sweden, Germany and Norway, and created a wide range of collaborations with choirs and symphony orchestras.

In 2018 Quilty celebrated their 25th anniversary with an extensive tour of Sweden and Germany inviting the audience to a nostalgic journey along their musical memory lane – "The Best of Quilty.” The set list for the anniversary was formed after an enthusiastic response to a Facebook campaign where the audience had voted on their favourite songs.

In 2020 Quilty was nominated Band of the Year at the national Folk & World Music Gala event.

Since 2020 Quilty has been touring with the program Out on the Ocean - sea shanties, emigration songs, love ballads and songs about epic adventures at sea in a salty and tar scented concert program combining Irish and Scottish songs with the Atlantic Ocean as a backdrop.

In 2023 Quilty invited Andy Irvine to join the band on a tour of Sweden celebrating Quilty’s 30th anniversary. The highly acclaimed tour was a great success with 13 concerts at sold out venues and sparked the idea for future collaborations with Andy Irvine. Extending the musical palette Andy Irvine & Quilty now offer a mutual concert program consisting of both Irish and Swedish traditional music - adding a new facet to the world music influences that have been Andy Irvine’s trademark since early 70ies.

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Door and stage times, subject to change.

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On street parking.

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7:00 pm19:00

David Gray - SOLD OUT

Through days like empty fields after the harvest / This ache where the heart is / Like a tree that’s bare, ’neath a sky that’s starless / Like something out of place / I feel all used up, I feel tarnished / Like smudged eyeliner, chipped nail varnish / Like something scarcely visible garnished / With a face …

Audacious rhymes cascade over glitchy electronic beats and shimmering acoustic guitars. A soulful, yearning voice reaches for the skies.

David Gray is back doing what he does better than almost anyone, and fans of complex, serious, lyrical songcraft should rejoice. Dear Life may be the deepest, strangest, loveliest album this pioneering British singer-songwriter has ever delivered. Years in the making, it is an album of emotional crisis and resolution, mortality and faith, reality and illusion, love and heartbreak, magic, science, loss and acceptance.

According to its creator, “A lot has happened to me. There’s been change on so many levels, all the ups and downs and dramas and tragedies and joys that the slow movement through life brings. This record has been a reckoning with stuff that’s been building up like static for years. But I say this with joy and a smile on my face. I know what I’ve done is as good as anything I could possibly do.”

For a multi-million selling arena artist who made one of the bestselling British albums of the 21st century, David Gray is perhaps a little misunderstood. The blockbuster White Ladder (first released in 1998 on his own kitchen sink IHT label) took years to break through, pushing his intense and passionate blend of acoustics and electronica into the pop spotlight. After Gray came the singer-songwriter deluge: Ed Sheeran has admitted “White Ladder moulded me as an artist and a fan.” But whilst huge stars from Adele to Hozier have acknowledged Gray’s profound impact and influence, Gray himself has continued to plough his own furrow, relentlessly seeking out a purity of artistic expression. The work matters deeply to him. “What I want is something that when you touch it, you know it’s real,” is how David puts it.

Dear Life is Gray’s 13th album, featuring 15 new songs. It is the result of “a starburst of songwriting … it just seemed like the gods of songwriting were being kind. The doubting voices didn't turn up.” He “relished the whole writing process, the words were ravishing to me, the rhyming schemes were fresh and new.” By his own admission, it is his “most lyrical record” but working closely with producer Ben de Vries, he was determined to ensure that “the music makes space for the words. Everything is very melodically strong and positive, so the record isn’t overly wordy, or dense or inward looking.”

Dear Life contemplates “the beautiful thing that we all treasure,” with a suggestion of a formal address - as if the writer is composing a letter to life itself. Some songs tenderly grapple with relationship choices and consequences (“After The Harvest”, “Sunlight on Water”, “The First Stone”), some face mortality and loss (“Eyes Made Rain”, “Leave Taking”, “That Day Must Surely Come”), some boldly tackle the biggest questions of existence: the unknowable nature of love (“I Saw Love”), our place in the universe (“The Only Ones”), the prospect of apocalyptic change (“Future Bride”). There is a playfulness at work (“Singing for the Pharaoh” finds Gray wittily interrogating his vocation, whilst “Fighting Talk” confronts his Celtic argumentativeness) and a strong female presence throughout, with vocals from David’s musician daughter Florence Gray on several songs, and a punchy duet with rising star Talia Rae on first single, “Plus & Minus.”

David Gray is a songwriter’s songwriter, one of those rare artists who can express themselves as fully through lyrics as through melody, a richly poetic wordsmith with vast musical flair. Dear Life is a big statement, the work of a driven man obsessively focussed on a personal artistic journey. “I'm feeling very joyful about the act of making and sharing this music - and privileged to be doing so. But also strengthened - because I know that what I've done is as good as anything I can possibly ever do. I don’t know what people will make of it. But I have the same hopes and dreams whenever I release a record - that if you try and do something special, then maybe something magical will happen in return.”

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Door and stage times, subject to change.

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On street parking.

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8:00 pm20:00

Wrong Jovi: "The Best Bon Jovi Tribute Band in the World!"

Wrong Jovi are the The Best Bon Jovi Tribute Band In The World. Described by tribute band expert (Channel 4’s The Convention Crasher) and TV celebrity Justin Lee-Collins. In 2022 the band were crowned the "Best Tribute Artist" at the National Entertainment Awards Ceremony in Essex, having previously won the "Best Tribute Artist" in the Northern Regional Entertainment Awards in September.

Wrong Jovi features some of the UKs finest professional musicians. With a set list crammed full of sing-along anthems, live favourites and rarities, audiences are guaranteed the ultimate Bon Jovi tribute show.

Featuring Ally as Jon Bon Jovi (X Factor, The Singer Takes It All and Britains Got Talent) aka Jon Wrong Jovi on vocals, Wrong Jovi have one of the UKs most talented front men leading the band through some of rock n rolls most legendary songs. Ally is backed by some of the UKs most highly respected musicians. Founding member Mark provides Richie Sambora's fiery guitar lines, backing vocals and even lead vocals on occasion. Jon (David Bryan) on keyboards and Backing vocals, Jim (Hugh McDonald) on bass and Backing vocals and Alex (Tico Torres) on drums complete the lineup.

With attention to detail in sound and performance, Wrong Jovi were described as “better than the real thing” by Club 85, Hitchin at their very first gig. The Wrong Jovi show is second to none. The band have also appeared live on FUBAR Radios Justin Lee Collins show where the listening audience were wowed by the bands acoustic renditions of Livin’ On A Prayer, Wanted Dead or Alive and Always.

Wrong Jovi manage to make clubs, theatres and halls feel like stadiums and arenas, leaving audiences amazed. If you want One Wild Night with the most exciting tribute act on the planet, Wrong Jovi is the perfect band for you.

 Have A Nice Day!

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On street parking.

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8:00 pm20:00


BIIRD is a brand new Irish trad supergroup made up of 11 of Ireland's finest musicians, singers, lilters and lunatics.  Bursting onto the scene Paddys Day 2024 at Trafalgur Sq, London, BIIRD made their debut to 10k people and caused an immediate fandom-frenzy, going on to sell out their 3 headline shows and packing out the big tent at ATN in August.  Coming together over the years through their shared love for trad and subsequently becoming best mates, these 11 talented women bring a truly unique collective energy to the stage that will have you dancing and singing like the feral creature you are one minute and weeping with pride the next.  BIIRD will soon be a household name.  Don't miss your chance to see them on their first ever tour!

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On street parking.

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7:00 pm19:00

The Coronas

Dubbed Ireland’s hardest-working band, The Coronas have never rested on past achievements since the band ormed back in school some 20 years ago. And that’s a lot to say considering three consecutive albums that debuted at #1 on the Irish charts, performances for two U.S. Presidents, 15 years of legendary sold-out Christmas holiday shows that have become an annual Dublin tradition and a worldwide fan base that stretches from their native Ireland across Europe to North America, Australia and beyond.

The Coronas have previously released seven studio albums: Heroes Or Ghosts (2007), Tony Was An Ex-Con (2009), Closer To You (2011), The Long Way (2014), Trust The Wire (2017), True Love Waits (2020) and Time Stopped (2022). Their first three albums were released via the independent Irish label 3ú Records and the fourth one on Island Records, while the fifth marked their return to the independent route with the launch of their own imprint, SoFarSoGood Records, distributed by Blix Street Records. Those last three albums each debuted at #1 on the Irish charts.

“The longer we do this the prouder we are of our longevity”, says O’Reilly, “and we still feel like we’ve got something

to say”.

Emerging ever stronger from the global pandemic that not only sidelined their live concerts, but made them the subject of discussion around their name, The Coronas took the setbacks in their stride and now relish their return to massive outdoor shows. Those include supporting Bruce Springsteen in front of more than 65,000 people in London’s Hyde Park last summer and the recent Live at the Marquee in Cork and Fairview Park in Dublin shows.

Following the release of the album, they will return to North America in November to play New York City’s Gramercy Theatre and the Brighton Music Hall in Boston before heading back to Australia and ending the year with their traditional holiday shows at the venerable Olympia Theatre in Dublin on December 12, 13 and 14 and the INEC in Killarney, Kerry, Ireland.

“We’ve always ignored a lot of the trendy stuff and consider ourselves a live band first and foremost”, explains

O’Reilly. “For us, it’s always been simple: we pride ourselves on creating good songs and improving our live set with every single show we do and album we release.”

There are no re-admissions to the concert. If you leave, there is no re-entry. 

 Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

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Door and stage times, subject to change.

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On street parking.

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8:00 pm20:00

Timber Timbre

Six years after their last studio album, Taylor Kirk’s Canadian band Timber Timbre finally releases a new record, "Lovage" - his most accomplished and engrossing album to date. “Lovage” is an album marrying perverted piano ballads and spiritual jazz interludes on islands of exotica and psyche-prog with Spectoresque girl-group cabaret. Recorded in 2022 in Quebec with Mike Dubue (Hilotrons), the album features Olivier Fairfield (Fet Nat, Andy Shauf) and members of the Voices of Praise gospel choir (Howe Gelb). Sonically, a return to form following the glossy Sincerely, Future Pollution, the album is out now on Timber Timbre’s own Hot Dreams Records and [Integral].

Since releasing and extensively touring “Sincerely, Future Pollution” (2017), Taylor Kirk has been busy working as a producer on several full-length LP’s, including Joseph Martone’s “Honeybirds” and the sophomore recording “Nightshades” by This Lonesome Paradise. Timber Timbre have quietly released two cassette-only EP’s, “I Am Coming To Paris” and “The Dissociation Tapes Volume 1”. Finally returning with a new full-length entitled “Lovage,” the most accomplished and engrossing Timber Timbre album to date. Which isn't to say that Taylor Kirk has merely refined his working methods. In fact, “Lovage” is a bona fide masterpiece, as Kirk manages to combine disparate influences that would otherwise seem mutually incompatible. Together with producer-engineer Michael Dubue, he reconciles Brian Wilson's rich sonic palette with the amused melancholy of Leonard Cohen. When asked about these influences Taylor admits these are certainly touchstones. ”Brian Wilson and Leonard Cohen are among many influences that have come to embody what music is to me.”

Kirk admits to revisiting Sun Ra, Dorothy Ashby and Alice Coltrane, as well as Italian singers such as Pino Daniele and Paolo Conte, which might explain the cinematic lightness of the new album. When asked about The Velvet Underground he replied reluctantly “I wouldn't say that I sound like Lou Reed,” Kirk explains. “But I also aspire to the leanness that he brings to his lyrics and storytelling.”

 Another connection to Lou Reed is the wry humor that is always present in Timber Timbre's work, despite the social commentary prevalent in the new songs, such as the album opener “Ask The Community”. “I'm glad if the humor comes across,” Kirk says. "It's not always recognized, but having said that, I'm not always sure when I'm joking myself."

 The electronic elements that characterized Timber Timbre's previous album, “Sincerely, Future Pollution" make a return on “Lovage,” albeit with a more discrete confidence. “That album became something of a genre study, sitting slightly outside Timber Timbre’s sonic trajectory,” he explains, “as I didn't really have a history with electronic music then. It was very laborious and much more contrived. What’s different about this album is that it's much more spontaneous than ‘Sincerely, Future Pollution’ or any of my previous recordings, for that matter.”

 Kirk developed “Lovage” in close collaboration with Michael Dubue at the producer's Studio Cimetière in Quyon, Quebec. “Michael originally invited me to come and contribute to a song he was working on,” Kirk explains, “Because we really hit it off, we ended up putting a whole album together from the song ideas I'd been collecting during a couple of housebound years, recovering from a long period of unsavory touring habits and reform from an unhealthy lifestyle.”

 The collaboration proved so fruitful that Michael Dubue joined Timber Timbre on keyboards and vocals with Adam Bradley Schreiber completing the current line-up on drums and percussion. “Michael is much more musically accomplished than I am,” Taylor continues. “While I've often felt limited by my own ability in the past, Mike helped out when I found myself hitting a wall or writing myself into a corner. He often comes up with ideas I'd never have thought of on my own or couldn’t execute instrumentally.”

Kirk returned to his native Ontario in 2019 after spending a few years in Quebec and Texas. He made it back just in time to sit out the Covid pandemic and regroup. “I moved back to Ontario where I had grown up, a place I left 20 years ago and swore I’d never return to. ‘Holy Motors’ is an homage to this place I love and hate - but also love to hate," he says of the town where he spent the lockdown. "But it's a good place to be trapped".

 One could say the same of the sonic landscapes he evokes on "Lovage": “It's a wonderful album to be trapped on, a modern masterpiece for troubled times one will find oneself returning to again and again.”

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8:00 pm20:00

King Creosote

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On street parking.

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8:00 pm20:00

No Stairway: The Irish Led Zeppelin

Ireland’s premiere Led Zeppelin tribute band on tour in 2024

 SOME OF the greatest hard rock and blues ever recorded will be heard live on stages across Ireland this year as No Stairway, Ireland’s leading Led Zeppelin tribute band, hit the road.

 Based in Galway, and made up of four of the finest musicians the city has to offer, No Stairway have a true love of this music and recreate Zeppelin’s live presence and studio albums as faithfully as possible. The band are:

 • ●     Steven Sharpe (vocals) - Steven is a devotee of Robert Plant, describing the singer as his “spirit animal”. An energetic and charismatic performer, he has the vocal chops to match Plant’s high notes, passion, sensitivity, and swagger.

• ●        Ronan O'Malley (guitar) - It takes a special talent to play like Jimmy Page, but Ronan, a versatile and gifted guitarist, is more than up to the task, with a guitar style that has all the power and energy required to deliver those monumental Zep riffs.

• ●        Shane O'Malley (bass/keys) - In the multitasking role of John Paul Jones, Shane is the solid centre of the group, keeping things tight and grounded to allow his bandmates roam free.

• ●        John Tierney (drums) - John, who will be performing that thunderous John Bonham percussion, is the founder of the Rhythm Drum School and has worked as a drummer for 30 years.

 The band were founded in 2013, and across a decade, they have been giving audiences in Galway, Dublin, Cork, Belfast, Louth, Limerick, Wexford, Laois, and Tipperary, in iconic venues such as the Róisín Dubh, Crane Lane, Dolan’s, and The Limelight, something they never thought they would hear - Led Zeppelin’s music live and on stage.

 No Stairway delivers a show where passion and precision are the hallmarks of their performances. At any show expect to hear such classics as ‘Good Times, Bad Times’, ‘Whole Lotta Love’, ‘Black Dog’, ‘Ramble On’, ‘Immigrant Song’, and of course ‘Stairway To Heaven’.

 The band also deliver spine-tingling renditions of ‘Achilles Last Stand’ and ‘Kashmir’. Been a long time since you “Rock n' Rolled”? Then make sure to catch No Stairway on tour across Ireland in 2024.

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Door and stage times, subject to change.

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On street parking.

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8:00 pm20:00

Luke Combs Uk

Luke Conbs UK Live in Dolans Limerick May 11th 2025. Strictly over 18’s

Luke Combs UK - Back By Popular Demand.

Following on from a sold out 2024 Irish tour.


Dust off your hats and boots, Luke Combs UK (the worlds best tribute to Luke Combs) is coming to town for an unforgettable night of country music with his full band.


Luke Combs UK is the closest you’ll get to the man himself with the look and authentic sound of the Grammy nominated country music megastar.


This event will sell quickly so y’all better get ready to get ‘beautiful crazy’ and get tickets now!


See y’all on the night for ‘1,2 many’ of those ‘long neck ice cold beers’

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Door and stage times, subject to change.

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On street parking.

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8:00 pm20:00

Bernard Butler

Bernard Butler has been noted as one of Britain's most original and influential musicians. In 1989 he formed Suede releasing the Mercury winning No.1 debut “Suede” and the era-defining “Dog Man Star”. His collaboration with David McAlmont on the anthemic ”Yes" provided an intriguing footprint across Britpop’s otherwise jingoist landscape culminating in 2 albums and a sell out at London's Roundhouse in 2015.

He released two solo albums on Creation, the acclaimed "People Move On" yielding the hit single "Stay", and "Friends and Lovers” and a Brit nomination before moving into a celebrated period as producer and songwriter including seminal releases by The Libertines, Tricky, Black Kids, Kate Nash, Nerina Pallot, Teleman, The Cribs, James Morrison, Sophie Ellis-Bextor, Frankie & The Heartstrings, Texas, Mark Eitzel, Mull Historical Society, Sam Lee, Oscar Lang and Paloma Faith.

In 2005 he began a collaboration with Duffy spawning her five million-selling, Grammy and Brit Award winning debut Rockferry, whilst Butler won the Producer's Award at the 2009 BRIT Awards.

He has played guitar live or on records by Pet Shop Boys, Bryan Ferry, Roy Orbison, Bert Jansch, The Libertines, Neneh Cherry, Robert Plant and Ben Watt with whom he toured extensively. Butler's group Trans released a series of EPs featuring tracks grown out of improvisational recordings made at Butler's own Studio 355.

Butler acts as proud Patron to the Bert Jansch Foundation, hosts a radio show "BB & The King" on Boogaloo Radio, and spent 5 years as Lead Lecturer in Songwriting at BIMM University and the Abbey Road Institute. He composed the original score to BBC Horizons documentary "Back From The Dead" and collaborates in songwriting camps and workshops. He conducts audience-led PreProduction events around the country for the Musicians Union and is a Patron of the Music Venue Trust and Generator NE.

In 2022 a celebrated collaboration with Oscar-nominated actor Jessie Buckley "For All Our Days That Tear The Heart" resulted in widespread critical acclaim and the shortlist to the 2022 Mercury Prize.

He has recently completed a new record with celebrated folk pioneer Sam Lee, the debut from The Clockworks and a new solo album a solo album for 2024 release.

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

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Door and stage times, subject to change.

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On street parking.

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7:30 pm19:30

David McSavage

An unhelpful masterpiece for regaining personal power

Having lived a life of burning bridges and telling everyone in authority to fuck off, McSavage shares his insights into living life as an outsider


1. When you’re young, fail at everything.

2. Ensure people around you think you’re shit.

3. Build up seething resentments towards these people for decades.

4. Drink a lot.

5. Use aforementioned resentments as motivation for creativity and drive.

6. Never become too successful.

You will own nothing, be poor and hated, but at least you’ll have integrity.

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

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Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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8:00 pm20:00

Gama Bomb With special guests Raised By Owls presented by Bad Reputation

"After a few years' break from touring Blighty, we're excited to return to the land of Greggs and be joined by the lovely and brain-bruisingly heavy lads of Raised By Owls for a heap of shows in 2025. Perhaps more illustriously, we're dragging their filthy British asses to Ireland for three glorious shows on our sceptred isle. Who's better - Britain or Ireland? We'll finally find out on this tour. Except, it's Ireland."

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

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Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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8:00 pm20:00

The Amazing George Michael Experience feat. James Bermingham

The Amazing George Michael Experience feat. James Bermingham Live in Dolans Limerick May 17th. Strictly over 18’s

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

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No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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10:30 pm22:30

Swiftogeddon - The Taylor Themed Club Night

PLEASE NOTE: This event runs from 10.30pm to 2.30am!

Swiftogeddon - The Taylor Themed Club Night

Doors open at 10.30pm, on until 2.30am!

The legendary night dedicated to worshipping at the altar of Taylor Swift: non-stop Swifty all night: deep cuts, extended mixes, fan favourites and all the hits.

Do you have a Blank Space in your diary? Then this night is Taylor-made for you! Join fellow fans in a celebration of the genius of the Swift - because she'll never go out of Style.

This is an 18+ event

*This event is fan created & not endorsed by the artist*

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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8:00 pm20:00

The Seattle Grunge Experience

2025 marks the 10th anniversary of Ireland's trailblazing grunge tribute band, The Seattle Grunge Experience. To celebrate a decade of capturing the true essence of '90s grunge, the band is embarking on a special 10th Anniversary Tour.

As part of this milestone event, they’ll perform Pearl Jam’s legendary album Ten in its entirety, followed by an electrifying set of grunge anthems from Nirvana, Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, and more. Don’t miss this unforgettable tribute to the music that defined a generation!

For 10 years, The Seattle Grunge Experience has been Ireland's original and premier grunge tribute band, delivering unmatched authenticity and performances loved by fans and celebrated by critics. With a relentless commitment to replicating the raw sound and spirit of '90s grunge, their high-energy shows and flawless musicianship have earned them a reputation as one of the finest tribute acts in the scene.

These shows may sell out. Be sure to get your tickets ASAP!

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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8:00 pm20:00

Public Image LTD-SOLD OUT


This is not... The Last Tour

Following the release of their 11th studio album End of The World last year, John Lydon’s PiL (Public Image LTD) have announced details of a series of Irish shows for summer 2025.

The band are set to play , Dolans Warehouse, Limerick on 13th June.

After fronting the Sex Pistols, John Lydon formed post-punk originators Public Image Ltd (PiL). Widely regarded as one of the most innovative bands of all time, their music and vision earned them 5 UK Top 20 Singles and 5 UK Top 20 Albums.

With a shifting line-up and unique sound fusing rock, dance, folk, pop and dub,

Lydon guided the band from their debut album ‘First Issue’ in 1978 through to 1992’s ‘That What Is Not’, before a 17-year hiatus.

Lydon reactivated PiL in 2009, touring extensively and releasing two critically acclaimed albums ‘This is PiL’ in 2012 followed by ‘What The World Needs Now…’ in 2015.

John Lydon, Lu Edmonds, Scott Firth and Bruce Smith continue as PiL. They are the longest stable line-up in the band's history and continue to challenge and thrive.

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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7:00 pm19:00

Amble - SOLD OUT

Amble are Robbie Cunningham, Oisin McCaffrey and Ross Mc Nerney, a 3-piece ensemble of songwriters hailing from the Midlands and West of Ireland.

If Amble’s debut EP, 2023’s “Amble (Live)”, introduced a new, musing, trad-tinged trio of songwriters to the Irish music scene, 2024’s highly distinctive “Of Land and Sea” finds the group expanding their sound to an ever-more global audience.   The unique perspective of three individual songwriters creates a peerless body of work - built on the now familiar, ruminative observations on the world and more fitting to the Amble journey - the stories unfolding each day within it.

There are no re-admissions to the concert. If you leave, there is no re-entry. 

 Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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7:00 pm19:00

The Darkness

It was back in 2003 that we witnessed the start of a love affair between one of the most extraordinary and best loved bands to come from the UK and fans all around the world. The Darkness exploded from their Lowestoft roots to global success when they released their debut album Permission To Land to almost overnight success. It topped the UK charts, going 5x Platinum and selling over 1.5 million copies in the UK alone, whilst also becoming a huge success everywhere from the USA to Australia, Germany to Japan.

The album spawned a series of hit singles including ‘I Believe In A Thing Called Love’, ‘Growing On Me’, ‘Get Your Hands Off My Woman’ and ‘Love Is Only A Feeling’. It also clocked up a series of awards including three BRIT Awards, two Kerrang Awards and an Ivor Novello for ‘Songwriters Of The Year’ amongst many others.

The Darkness played a number of landmark shows, including a headline set at the 2004 Reading & Leeds Festivals, as part of a whirlwind career of global touring and international success. The band then followed the success of their debut with the 2005 album One Way Ticket To Hell… And Back, which produced the Top 10 hit ‘One Way Ticket’.

However the pressures of fame took their toll and in 2006 lead singer Justin Hawkins left the band, checking into rehab and The Darkness were no more. Yet, like a veritable phoenix rising from the ashes of despair, the band reformed in 2011 touring Europe and South America the following year with Lady Gaga. They released their comeback album Hot Cakes that year and Last Of Our Kind in 2015.

In 2017 the band ushered in a new era with the release of Pinewood Smile and the critically acclaimed record became their third UK Top 10 album. With its successor Easter Is Cancelled (2019) achieving equally great heights there seemed no stopping the band. However, that album’s title proved semi-prophetic and following its release the world plunged into the Covid-19 pandemic.

 Undaunted, they released their most recent studio album album Motorheart in 2021 which not only received some of the best reviews of their career but once more catapulted them straight back onto the upper echelons of festival bills such as Download and saw them pack out the arenas around the country with fervent fans hungry for the band’s return to the stage.

 2022 saw The Darkness perform incendiary shows around the world while, in tandem with their touring, fabulous frontman Justin was quickly becoming the internet’s favourite rock ‘n’ roll personality with his highly revered Justin Hawkins Rides Again podcast.

 The Darkness then came full circle as their game-changing debut album Permission To Land turned 20 in 2023. They rang in the anniversary year with a performance of the timeless classic ‘I Believe In A Thing Called Love’ on BBC One’s New Year’s Eve programming and by selling out arena shows including Wembley with Black Stone Cherry. The band continued to be lauded as rock gods throughout the year, performing with Guns N’ Roses at BST London Hyde Park, as well as KISS in Norway amongst many other hugely acclaimed shows.

 A specially expanded Permission To Land deluxe album was released via Warner Music and their 2023 Permission To Land 20 world tour sold out shows across the globe. In November a critically acclaimed documentary film entitled Welcome To The Darkness premiered in cinemas across the UK to rave reviews.

 And now, more than 20 years after The Darkness exploded with a big bang which changed the face of British rock music forever, their cheeky, spandex-clad anthems continue to capture hearts, and a new generation of fans, around the world today.

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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7:00 pm19:00


Train Live at the Castle Limerick July 7th. Strictly over 19’s

Train is a multi-GRAMMY Award-winning, diamond-selling band from San Francisco that has had 14 songs on Billboard’s Hot 100 chart and 13 albums on the Billboard 200 chart. Train's climb to the top began in 1994, as the original 5-member band tenaciously built a loyal hometown following, leading up to their debut self-titled album released by Columbia in 1998. The tumbling wordplay of "Meet Virginia'' gave them their first unlikely radio hit, and 2001’s Drops of Jupiter broke them to multi-platinum status thanks to the double-GRAMMY-winning title song that spent 10 months in the Top 40, has been certified RIAA 7x platinum, and earned the 2001 GRAMMY Award for Best Rock Song. The group won another GRAMMY in 2011 for their global hit “Hey, Soul Sister'' from their multi-platinum album Save MeSan Francisco (2009), which was the No.1 best-selling smash and most downloaded single of 2010, achieved RIAA Diamond status in 2021 and now 11x platinum, and in 2022 surpassed one billion streams on Spotify. Train has sold more than 10 million albums and 30 million tracks worldwide, with multiple platinum/gold citations, including three GRAMMY Awards, two Billboard Music Awards, and dozens of other honors. They’ve had 24 Top 10 songs across the Billboard charts and six Top 10 albums on the Billboard 200 chart including Drops of Jupiter (2001), My Private Nation (2003), California 37 (2012), Bulletproof Picasso (2014), For Me, It's You (2016), and a girl a bottle a boat (2017). This summer, Train is taking over amphitheaters across the country on a co-headline tour with REO Speedwagon, and most recently, released a new album, Live at Royal Albert Hall, recorded live from their sold-out, debut performance at the iconic and historic Royal Albert Hall in London.

Train frontman, Pat Monahan, partakes in other ventures outside of music, including his award-winning wine portfolio, Save Me, San Francisco Wine Co, which was created in 2011 and has sold over 10 million bottles and won over 100 medals. Proceeds from his wine business support Family House, a San Francisco charity that supports families of children with cancer and other life-threatening illnesses.  Monahan has appeared on television and in film with credits that include the 2021 Hallmark Channel original movie, Christmas in Tahoe, inspired by Train’s album of the same name, which he executive produced and starred, Dr. Ken90210, CBS’s Hawaii Five-0 and Magnum P.I.The VoiceAmerican Idol, and The Bachelor.

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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7:00 pm19:00


Mogwai formed in 1995 in Glasgow. The band consists of Stuart Braithwaite (guitar, vocals), Barry Burns (guitar, piano, synthesizer, vocals), Dominic Aitchison (bass guitar) and Martin Bulloch (drums). Since 1997, the band have released ten studio albums, with their most recent, 2021’s As The Love Continues, being a commercial and critical success, reaching number 1 on the Official UK Album Charts, amassing a Mercury Prize nomination and winning the Scottish Album of the Year award.

The band have also contributed to and written scores for projects with Amazon Prime and Apple TV+. Earlier this year, it was announced that Blazing Griffin, Adler Entertainment, Rock Action Records and Screen Scotland had completed post-production of Mogwai: If The Stars Had A Sound, a first documentary about the band, directed by longtime collaborator Antony Crook. The documentary had its World Premiere at South by Southwest (SXSW) in Austin, Texas, in March 2024 and is currently being shown at film festivals across the world.

Mogwai have recently been in the studio recording new music.

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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7:00 pm19:00


Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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7:00 pm19:00

Picture This - SOLD OUT

Picture This have established themselves as an acclaimed band out of Ireland; known for their compelling songwriting and electrifying performances. Their ability to blend heartfelt lyrics with powerful melodies has garnered them a devoted global fan base. The band represents a global underdog story, Picture This have unassumingly captivated listeners in every corner of the world through 3 album releases on Republic/Universal US and up to new adventures on RCA Germany and UK. The band’s 2017 self-tilted full-length debut album kicked off a history-making run. In Ireland, it went triple-platinum, clinched #1 on Ireland’s Overall Chart for four weeks, and topped the Streaming Chart for seven weeks. Since then all of their 3 albums reached #1 on the Irish charts. The band have amassed 450 million total streams, sold out stadiums including a five-night stand at Dublin’s 3Arena (equivalent to London’s O2), headlining Electric Picnic’s Main Stage in front of 70’000 people (see video at bottom) and selling out their first European underplay tour in 20mins in Spring 2023, playing all key European festivals in 2023 with the European tour in autumn 2023 seeing them play over 30 headline dates.

There are no re-admissions to the concert. If you leave, there is no re-entry. 

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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7:00 pm19:00

Picture This, Live at the Docklands

Picture This have established themselves as an acclaimed band out of Ireland; known for their compelling songwriting and electrifying performances. Their ability to blend heartfelt lyrics with powerful melodies has garnered them a devoted global fan base. The band represents a global underdog story, Picture This have unassumingly captivated listeners in every corner of the world through 3 album releases on Republic/Universal US and up to new adventures on RCA Germany and UK. The band’s 2017 self-tilted full-length debut album kicked off a history-making run. In Ireland, it went triple-platinum, clinched #1 on Ireland’s Overall Chart for four weeks, and topped the Streaming Chart for seven weeks. Since then all of their 3 albums reached #1 on the Irish charts. The band have amassed 450 million total streams, sold out stadiums including a five-night stand at Dublin’s 3Arena (equivalent to London’s O2), headlining Electric Picnic’s Main Stage in front of 70’000 people (see video at bottom) and selling out their first European underplay tour in 20mins in Spring 2023, playing all key European festivals in 2023 with the European tour in autumn 2023 seeing them play over 30 headline dates.

There are no re-admissions to the concert. If you leave, there is no re-entry. 

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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7:00 pm19:00

Block Rockin Beats with Dec Pierce

Dec Pierce’s Block Rockin Beats will return to Limerick as part of the Docklands festival on Saturday August 16th 2025. Dec Pierce’s Block Rockin Beats is a performance of the world’s biggest dance anthems, featuring a full live band and special guests.

A raw, energetic live set includes tracks from Underworld, Faithless, The Prodigy, Chemical Brothers, and many more!

 Block Rockin Beats is a live stage performance version of Dec Pierce’s radio show of the same name on Today FM. 2025 marks 30 years since Dec Pierce first began his journey as a DJ in 1995. To celebrate this milestone, Block Rockin Beats will embark on the 95-25 Tour, with shows in Cork, Galway, and Limerick during the summer of 2025. These gigs will feature dance tracks close to Dec’s heart that were massive across those three decades.

 “The show is all about energy—it’s a concert, but we want you to lose yourself for a few hours. We want you to go back in time to experience these classic anthems with a full live band. It’s a unique music and visual experience. Honestly, it’s the most fun I’ve ever had on stage. The crowds we get at our shows come out for a party! When our energy matches the energy in the crowd… it’s a really special thing!” - Dec Pierce

 Speaking at The Launch Mick Dolan says, “ Decs shows are electric, his performance last year was one of the highlights of the Calander” “Not to be missed”

 Tickets go on sale this Friday November 1st at 10AM   from Dolans.ie and Ticketmaster.ie

There are no re-admissions to the concert. If you leave, there is no re-entry. 

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

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7:00 pm19:00

The Waterboys

The Waterboys have been led by Scottish singer and guitarist Mike Scott since the 1980s and have evolved through countless line-ups, winning a fearsome concert reputation along the way. Their best-known songs include The Whole Of The Moon, How Long Will I Love You, This Is The Sea and Fisherman's Blues. Indisputably one of the best live bands in the world, the 2024 version of The Waterboys features double keyboard players Brother Paul from Memphis and James Hallawell from Cornwall, and is grounded by killer Irish rhythm section Aongus Ralston (bass) and Eamon Ferris (drums). They reconfigure music from all stages of the band's career, from the early "big music" and the roots-inspired Fisherman's Blues era, to the run of genre-fluid records that have poured out since 2015's swaggering Modern Blues, taking in soul, funk, country-rock and any other kinds of music they care to play. Expect drama, improvisation, musical fireworks and Waterboys classics.

There are no re-admissions to the concert. If you leave, there is no re-entry. 

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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7:00 pm19:00

Kingfishr - SOLD OUT

Limerick-based 3-piece, Kingfishr, have quickly established themselves as one of the rising prospects in Irish music. Part of the newest generation of Irish contemporaries, the band’s grand, atmospheric tone married with their propensity for catchy melodies has resonated with a wide audience.

In 2 short years, they have racked up over 12 million streams on Spotify to date, were included in Spotify’s Fresh Finds UK & IE: Class of 2023 and began 2024 as Spotify RADAR: First Listen UK & IE Artists. 

2023 saw debut sold out tours across the UK and Ireland as well as a host of supports with major artists, such as Dermot Kennedy & George Ezra, and notable festival performances including BST Hyde Park, Latitude, All Points East and Electric Picnic. For 2024 band sold out 2 consecutive nights at Dublin 3Olympia Theatre, are touring the UK alongside Tom Walker, and are supporting Snow Patrol’s show at Thomond Park Stadium, in July.

Summer 2024 performed at festivals across Europe including Glastonbury, TRNMST, Isle Of Wight, Reading and Leeds, All Together Now, Sea Sessions, Down The Rabbit Hole, Rock Werchter, Montreux Jazz and many more.

There are no re-admissions to the concert. If you leave, there is no re-entry. 

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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7:00 pm19:00

Kaiser Chiefs

“Formed in Leeds in 2000, Kaiser Chiefs are one of the leading bands of their generation. Fronted by the charismatic Ricky Wilson with Simon Rix on bass, Andrew ‘Whitey’ White on guitar, Nick ‘Peanut’ Baines on keyboards and drummer Vijay Mistry, the band have had a string of anthemic hits such as ‘Oh My God’, ‘I Predict A Riot’, ‘Everyday I Love You Less and Less’,  ‘Never Miss A Beat’ and ‘Hole In My Soul’ 

 The band have released 8 original studio albums which includes their Mercury nominated debut, ‘Employment’ which sold over 2 million copies, Its number 1 follow up, ‘Yours Truly, Angry Mob’, which went twice-platinum in the UK alone and ‘Education Education Education and War’ which entered the UK Album Charts at number 1.

 They have achieved, top ten singles including the infamous number 1 hit ‘Ruby’, 3 Brit Awards, an Ivor Novello award for Album of the Year, toured with U2, Foo Fighters and Green Day and sold 8 million albums.

 “We might never get to the point where we can sit in an armchair with our arms behind our heads and go: ‘lads, we’ve done it’. But at the same time, maybe that’s why, years later, Kaiser Chiefs are still here.”

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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7:30 pm19:30

Ardal O'Hanlon (Comedy)

Oh, it’s all there! All the trademarks are in evidence in Ardal’s latest show. Beautifully
crafted stand-up comedy? Yes. Celebrated use of language? Tick. Lateral thinking,
surreal flourishes, sharp observations? Of course. As for the occasional profundity?
Maybe. Despite his best attempts over many decades to put the world to rights, it is
still a colossal mess. And so, Ardal has no choice but to go out on the road again.
Like the good comedy doctor he is, he fearlessly diagnoses the various pathologies
and neuroses that are currently ravaging humanity. Disclaimer: No solutions

Ardal is not only an acclaimed stand-up comedian who has performed world-wide.He will be
familiar to many from his appearances in TV shows such as TASKMASTER and WOULD I LIE
TO YOU?, leading roles in DEATH IN PARADISE, FR TED, and MY HERO as well as cameos
MOLLOY GIVES UP EVERYTHING. He will soon be seen in the feature film, FRAN THE MAN,
and the new Netflix series, HOW TO GET TO HEAVEN FROM BELFAST, as well as the CW
drama, SHERLOCK AND DAUGHTER. Ardal is currently writing his third novel.

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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7:30 pm19:30

Chris Kent: Offline (Comedy)


 Cork’s own Chris Kent returns with a brand new show ‘Offline’. He tries to give up the internet and navigate life without asking his phone what to eat, where to go or how to get home. He longs for a simpler time of playing ‘Snake’ and constructing emojis himself. Now that he has hit 40 years of age, he wonders if he can ever go back to thinking for himself. Join him on a journey that will either make him or break him. 

 The Irish Times 


“Kent is a master storyteller” 

The Mirror 


Dubliner Magazine 

“Carefree comedic bullseye”

 Tommy Teirnan 

“He really makes me laugh and I think his stuff is so smart, he would be one of the best comics that I would have seen. He's Fantastic"

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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7:30 pm19:30

Al Porter: Alogrithm (Comedy)

Following up his Sold Out tour in 2023/24, Al’s back with AL PORTER ALGORITHM where his unique brand of exciting, energetic and fun loving comedy meets his most relatable stories ever!

 Why does Instagram think he needs to get assessed? Can you learn to love renting in a house share? Can his parents deal with empty nest syndrome? Why is his brother the golden child?  And much more! 

One of few Irish comics ever nominated for a Perrier Award (like Tommy Tiernan and Dylan Moran before him) Al’s 2023/24 show “Now” was critically acclaimed with reviews like, “Gloriously upbeat! No self pity… Irrepressible stand up storytelling (Chortle ★★★★) and ★★★★ “Dazzling…Brilliant and very funny” (The Scotsman)

 AL PORTER’s ALGORITHM is trying to find a formula for living in a world on fire!  Just like online, in life, you’ll see more of what you pay attention to and Al’s always on the look out for the upside! 

“Delightfully joyous!” - Chortle 2024

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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8:00 pm20:00

Willy Mason

Teasing a new record, Willy Mason has announced tour dates for 2025            

Willy Mason is returning on tour to Europe in 2025. Since 2020 Willy has been touring with increasing regularity, steadily honing his live sound and playing. His band includes Charlotte Anne Dole on drums (Cymbals Eat Guitars, Hammydown, Cult Objects, Empty Country) and Farley Glavin on bass (The Lemonheads, Killer Motorcycle). The trio have a tight and dynamic sound that allow them to easily move between all phases of Willy’s catalogue faithfully, with high energy and care. Willy has been steadily adding new songs to his shows. He is currently in the studio working on new recordings for an album. 

Willy’s dark yet uplifting songs have endured and evolved for two decades. He is in yet another new phase, emboldened and galvanized by experience. This tour and accompanying album will be a culmination of his post pandemic work. 

“I want to provide people with places where they can emote and move freely, in safety. To feel connected with each other and experience the strength in that. Performance allows me to create and inhabit these places.” Willy Mason

“A lot of my new songs seem to be about love and perseverance. I’ve come to realize that songs can have the ability to conjure things, so I think this is a good thing.” Willy Mason

I’m Sailing (unreleased) https://youtu.be/VYfsPAS1L8I?si=S9qVOr0HRHZJ6Uvz

The glow (unreleased) Willy Mason - The Glow: Off The Road Sessions

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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7:30 pm19:30

Cornelius Patrick O Sullivan

Cornelius Patrick O Sullivan Live in Dolans Limerick November 27th 7.30pm. Strictly over 18’s

Award-winning comedian, writer and podcaster Cornelius Patrick O Sullivan is furious. If he had his time back again, he would do it all differently. Alas this is not an option so as he looks his forties firmly in the face he has hatched a new plan. To live his life vicariously through his seven-year-old son Harvey. What possibly could go wrong?!?

Pull Hard is a brand-new stand-up comedy show that deals with fatherhood and middle age and the lingering disappointment of lost opportunity. The hour is seasoned with tales of GAA matches, failed diets and expensive babysitters. Above all it’s a show about hope and endeavour.

Cornelius has performed all over Ireland to thousands of souls. internationally at festivals such as Edinburgh Fringe and nationally at the likes of Kilkenny Cat Laughs and the Paddy Power Comedy festival amongst many more.

“Acidic wit” – The Corkman

“Never fails to make me laugh” – Chris Kent, Comedian

“So God dam funny” – Deirdre O’ Kane, Comedian

Please note all gigs are over 18’s unless specified.

It is your responsibility to check your e-ticket prior to the Event.

No refunds will be offered unless the Event is cancelled.

Door and stage times, subject to change.

Please note all ticket prices include a booking charge.

On street parking.

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