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Hardy Bucks star Owen Colgan confirmed for April date at Dolans Warehouse

Dolans Presents have today announced that Owen Colgan, best known for his role as Buzz McDonnell from Hardy Bucks, is confirmed to play Dolans Warehouse on April 16th.

Hardy Bucks has seen Owen star in four hit seasons aired on RTE. The Hardy Bucks hit movie, which media coined 'the Irish Hangover', was produced by the mammoth Universal Studios.


Owen Colgan is a life coach from the west of Ireland who has seen it all. After 25 years addicted to pints and smoking, it seems he has finally knocked it all on the head.

Now in a very loving and highly sexual relationship with his partner/manager Maureen, Owen intends to bring a bright and fresh approach to his upcoming tour- On The Dry. 

'I just want the people of Ireland to know that there's no badness in me', Owen says.


Covering talking points such as Global Warming, the time he met Katie Taylor for tea, his future hopes and dreams, the sex party he attended with the other Hardy Bucks and lots, lots more. 

So come along, bring your Granny and let's have a nice time together laughing because God knows we need a laugh don't we?

**** “In a world full of hurt, pain and shite craic, Owen Colgan embarks on a journey to save people’s minds from sadness." – A Little Weapon

**** 'I knew his father well' - Dave O'Malley (local man)

*** 'This is not to be missed' - Guy in Tesco ahead of me in the queue

**** 'Very much worth attending the show' - Father Gallagher 

Tickets for Owen Colgan Live at Dolans Warehouse on April 16th go on sale this Friday and can be purchased via www.dolans.ie